How I am Goal Setting for 2020 in My Bullet Journal

by - January 04, 2020
First of all Happy New Year! I hope you had a great holiday or break. Now it is time to start goal setting for the new year! :) In this post, I am going to show you how I am goal setting in my bullet journal for 2020.

How I am Goal Setting for 2020 in my Bullet Journal

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Updated for 2024

How I am Goal Setting for 2020 in My Bullet Journal

The new year is a great time to set goals for the new year because it feels like a new beginning. You can start fresh on your goals. You can step back and reevaluate what you want for your life and make some changes. :)

If you read my blog often, then you probably notice that I am using a new notebook. I have wanted to try out a traditional bullet journal for a while now, so I decided to get one which I am going to put all of my collections in and see how it works.

In the planner I have now, I can't really make two-page layouts and so it wasn't that great for two-page layouts because the rings get in the way. Also, the rings get in the way when I write on the left side of the page. But the biggest thing for me is that when I want to make a new page, I have to go print, cut, and hole punch a page before I can actually start it. I figured I would make more collections if I didn't have to do that every single time I wanted to make a new page.

So what am I using my planner binder for now? I am using it for my monthly and weekly layouts and for any printed papers like my capsule wardrobe planner. All of my collections go into my new bullet journal.

My new bullet journal is a Minimalism Art Classic Notebook in light pink, and I will do a review on it later. I love how smooth the paper is and the color of the journal! :)

That was a rather long tangent, but now on to how I am goal setting for 2020!

How I am Goal Setting for 2020 in my Bullet Journal

1. Word of the Year

I haven't done a word of the year before, so I am trying it out this year. So far I really like it. My word for the year is "create". I wrote my word in the middle, and then the definition underneath. I looked in two different dictionaries so I could get more definitions. After that, I put on some cute gold foil washi tape which is from Michaels I am pretty sure. Then I wrote out how I am going to "create" throughout the year.

On my title page, I wrote a quote with my word "create" in it too.

I don't know if I can really count this as a goal-setting page, but it is something to help you see what you are working towards throughout 2020.

How I am Goal Setting for 2020 in my Bullet Journal

2. 21 Before 2021

This is my main method of goal setting for this year. I picked 21 goals in different areas of my life, and I am going to work towards them. Some of them are fun goals like you probably noticed number 18 is "go on vacation" because it is important to remember that you need a break too. I also didn't have 21 serious goals I wanted to do.

How I am Goal Setting for 2020 in my Bullet Journal

As you can see my new bullet journal doesn't lay all the way flat, but if you are writing on it, then it will.

I used Tombow Dual Brush Tips (I just got them!) to do the lettering for "21" and "2021" and I am so happy with how it turned out. The watercolor blended look isn't super hard to achieve, even though it looks pretty hard (to me at least 😊). Just search for "how to blend Tombow Brush Pens" on YouTube and you can see exactly how it is done. 

When I finish a goal, I might also do the same technique to fill in the circle with the number of the goal on it, but I haven't decided yet. I am hoping that I will be able to finish all of my new year's goals! If you want to help, then follow me on Pinterest. Thank you!

How I am Goal Setting for 2020 in my Bullet Journal

3. Master Plan

This year I didn't want to do too many different types of goal tracking, because I feel like it is too much, so I am only using these three pages for my yearly goals.

My master plan is what it sounds like it is. On here I have how I am going to reach my goals. Some of my goals are not on here. They are things I just need to do once, and I don't really need to plan for them other than go out and do it. Goals like "Read 30 Books" though need a tracker so it goes on this page. This way at a glance I can see how close I am to finishing my goals.

Goal Setting in my Bullet Journal for 2020

For my goals this year I didn't do any weekly, monthly, or daily goals. Last year when I did, it was just too much. Then when I missed once, then I couldn't get that goal. I am going to be working on habits during the year. I am not going to be doing it so rigidly because then when something comes up and you can't do that habit, then you don't have to stress about it. :)

If you liked this post, then you can read some of my other goal-setting posts too.

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How I am Goal Setting for 2020 in my Bullet Journal

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