Plan With Me April Bullet Journal Layout
March had some very unexpected twists and turns, so I wasn't able to complete all of my goals. To be honest, I actually only completed one out of five of my monthly goals. In April, I hope I will be able to complete all five of my monthly goals. This month, I went for a fresh spring theme for my bullet journal layout that focuses on new beginnings!

Updated for 2024
I feel like my layout this month is very clean, structured, and minimalist. I think it is perfect to symbolize the fresh beginning I am getting in April. :)
Let's get right into how I set up this layout.
This layout used very little supplies! I mostly like to use black and then one other color. Each month, I have been picking a different color to use. I have already used purple and blue this year so I decided this month I would use green because flipping through my bullet journal, I see that I almost never use green.
I went on a little tangent there, but now let's get back to the supplies.
- Black Sharpie Pen - I use this black pen for all of my regular day writing. In this layout, I used it for the black boxes and all of the headers.
- Light Green Pastel Tombow Dual Brush Pen - I love using Tombow brush pens! The ink is really smooth and the colors are so pretty! I need to buy some other colors because right now I only have the pastel pack and I use them way too often.
- Mechanical Pencil - I use a mechanical pencil to sketch in the general idea of all of my layouts, but this year I have been trying to do my layouts more freehand.
- A Ruler - By looking at April's bullet journal layout, you can easily tell that I use a ruler to draw my lines. I love straight crisp lines, but I did do the circles for my goal's freehand, and I think they look okay. I was just too lazy to go find my circle protractor! :)
That is all of the supplies I used for this layout except, of course, I used my Minimalism Art Classic Dotted notebook too. You can't forget the notebook! I have used the Minimalism Art Classic Dotted notebook for a few months now, and I love the quality. I bought it for under $10 and the paper is so smooth. If you are looking for an affordable bullet journal, then go check it out because I can't recommend it enough!

First Page + Header
At first, for this layout, I was lost. I had no idea of what I wanted this layout to look like. I just started by adding the green and then I did the entire header freehand. The cursive turned out a little bit off-center (One of my hardest problems with making bullet journal headers) so I added the branch doodle on one side, and it centers the header. I am really happy with how it turned out.
For February and March, I had a mini calendar on my monthly layouts. While I really liked having them, I didn't add one this month because I have been on home quarantine, so I haven't had as much to do. I opted to have more room for my quote on the next page.
I used the light green Tombow dual brush tip marker to make the bullet points for my task list, and then when I complete a task, I will fill it in with my black Sharpie pen.

Goal Section + Quote
At the top of the second page, I have my goal section, and like last month, I made it large. I think it is good to have a large space to write down my five goals because then when I flip to my monthly layout, one of the first things I see my monthly goals.I think the mini capital letters with space in between looks super cute, so I am really glad I used that for all of my sub headers.
After I finished the rest of the page, I went back and added in this quote, which I drew entirely freehand! What do you think of the little doodles I added? I tied in the header theme by adding the green behind the quote and using the same font for "spring" and "April".

Bullet Journal Trackers + Next Month
At the bottom of the second page, I have three sections. In the first one, I can put down dates for the next month, or any tasks I want to complete in May. I made it small because last month, I didn't use it much.
Next to it, I have my blogging section, with the dates I am planning on posting this month. See what the first one says? Yep, I am posting right on schedule! Now I just need to decide what I am going to post for the rest of the month. If you have any ideas of what you would like to see, then leave a comment down below!
At the bottom, I am tracking one habit for the month, which is to go outside. I have been trying to spend more time outside in the sunshine so I decided to track it. I am finding that it is easiest for me if I only track one thing because then I am so much more likely to do it. If I do it every day for thirty days, then (hopefully) it is already turning into an automatic habit, and I can move on to tracking a new habit while continuing the old one. I love how I did the tracker entirely in green without an outline.
In the corner of the page, I put my "Highlights" section. It is bigger than last month because I really like writing down the highlights of my month. When I have a chance, I am going to go through all of the "Highlights" sections and pick out my favorite highlights to add to my "Best of 2020" layout!
Plan With Me April Bullet Journal Layout
I think this is my favorite bullet journal monthly I have made so far this year! I think this after every monthly I make. Every new monthly layout I make turns out to be my favorite. I wonder what next month's layout will look like.
At the beginning of making this layout, I had no idea of how I wanted it to look, but I still like how it turned out. If you think an idea you have won't turn out, then just try it! If you don't like it, you can always cover it up somehow. If you never try anything new, then you will never improve. Your layout will look great! :)
Read these posts too if you liked this one.
- Fun + Productive Things to do While at Home
- How to Bullet Journal When Feeling Uninspired
- Plan With Me March Bullet Journal Layout
- Plan With Me February Bullet Journal Layout
Stay home and stay safe! Have a great week!

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