Tips for Creating a Productive Morning Routine
*Beep Beep Beep* We all know the feeling of when our alarm goes off in the morning. You roll over and hit "snooze" just one more time... and then oops! You realize that you are getting up an hour late or even more, and now you have to rush to get ready in time for the day. None of us want this, so here are real tips you can use to create a productive morning routine that will have you excited to wake up for the day!

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Updated for 2024
Tips for Creating a Productive Morning Routine
1. Keep it Simple

Some Ideas of Things You Might Include on Your Morning Routine List
- The time you want to wake up at
- Saying "Today is going to be a great day!" (Read the book "Tiny Habits" if you don't understand this one. I highly recommend it!)
- Picking out an outfit
- Planning your day and writing a to-do list
- Writing in your journal
- Writing down something you are grateful for
- Exercising
- Eating fruit with your breakfast
- Wake up and get out of bed while saying "Today is going to be a great day!"
- Exercise
- Put on the outfit picked out the night before
- Eating fruit with your breakfast while writing your to-do list

2. Start Out Small
3. Revise Your Morning Routine

Tips for Creating a Productive Morning Routine
- How to Create a Daily Routine You Will Actually Stick To!
- How to Create a Planning Routine + Maintain It
- 10 Things You Can Do This Weekend to Be More Productive
- How to Be Insanely Productive During Quarantine