How to Start a Planning Routine + Maintain it

by - March 02, 2019
What is one of the reasons, that most people give up on their planner?

How to Start a Planning Routine + Maintain it

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Updated for 2024

How to Start a Planning Routine + Maintain It

Yep, they fail to use it.

If you just started a new planner after having multiple failed planners or bullet journals, then you are probably looking and hoping for something new that will just make your planner work.

I am glad you are here because that is just what you will learn in this post.

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Creating a Planning Routine

First, you will want to figure out when you are going to look at your planner. (Sit down and fill in all of the nitty-gritty details for upcoming events.)

I always look in my planner every night, to add my to-dos for the following day, but I do miss planning in my planner sometimes. (I'm not perfect! 😊)

That is okay, because missing every once in a while, doesn't mean that you have another planner failure, it just means that you missed a day! (or two 😊)

A failed planner is when you absolutely dread looking at your planner. You would rather take out the trash, than sitting down at your desk and simply writing out your to-do's, that is when you need to change your planning system.

I am not going to lie. I didn't find the perfect planning system right away. You may have heard that I use to use a bullet journal, but I stopped because I dreaded writing in it.

Recommended - Why I Stopped Using a Bullet Journal

Guess what?!

I figured out that I was trying to track too many things. Did it really matter whether or not I tracked when I woke up in the morning since I woke up at around the same time each day? Or track my exercising, even though I exercise almost every day?

Once I figured this out, I was able to get back on track with my planning routine. My planning routine consists of the following.

  • Write new tasks in my monthly section
  • Write down my to-dos and appointments for the following day (maybe add a doodle too! 😊)
  • Make a note about upcoming appointments for the week (If it is something that I do every week, I usually don't write it down)
  • Update my blogging section with new tasks or experiments I want to try (if needed)
  • Plan what I am going to wear for tomorrow using my Capsule Wardrobe Planner

And if I have a little bit more time, I may check how I am doing on my goals in my goal planning section. 

To get into the habit of using your planner or bullet journal, I would suggest the following ideas.

  1. Leaving a note for yourself where you will see it.
  2. Setting an alarm for when you are going to plan in your planner.
  3. Set a reminder on your phone.
  4. Plan at a specific time. (During breakfast, lunch, dinner, right when you wake up, before you go to bed, etc.)
  5. Write down using your planner as one of your habits. (I use this tip!)
  6. Or if the others don't work, there is always the option of just leaving your planner out in plain sight or carrying it around with you.

How to Start a Planning Routine + Maintain It

Just remember that you need to figure out what works for you, and the only way that you can do that is to jump right in and try different ways to help you remember to use your planner.

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How to Start a Planning Routine + Maintain it     How to Start a Planning Routine + Maintain it

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