How to Bullet Journal in Just 10 Minutes a Day

by - April 24, 2021

 Do you love the idea of using a bullet journal, but feel like you won't have time to keep up with it? If it takes up too much time, then it won't help you be productive and you won't feel like you are saving time. Well, don't worry because today, I will show you how you can keep your bullet journal running smoothly and use it to help you be more productive in just ten minutes a day or less!

How to Bullet Journal in Just 10 Minutes a Day

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Updated for 2024

If you don't know what a bullet journal is, and you would like to start one, you can read Bullet Journaling: What Is It? to get started.

Please keep in mind that this post is for keeping up with your bullet journal, and not for creating new collection layouts as that usually takes a little bit longer time, but if you create very minimalist layouts you might still be able to make new layouts in under 10 minutes!

If you already use a bullet journal and you are thinking about giving up on your bullet journal, it might be because you are making your bullet journal system too complicated. Try the 10 minutes a day bullet journal method and see if you can get back into your bullet journal routine!

This method can be easily adapted to work for pretty much anyone, so let's get right into it!

How to Bullet Journal in Just 10 Minutes a Day

How to Bullet Journal in Just 10 Minutes a Day

First of all, your bullet journal should already be set up with the basic layouts that you use, or else you will have to take some time to set it up, which will probably take longer than 10 minutes, but after that, you can use this method to keep up with your bullet journal.

1. Pick a Time

Pick a time whether at the start of the day, or the night before that you will set aside 10 minutes to bullet journal. You could do that during the day as well, but in the morning right after you get up or at night right before you go to bed would probably be the ideal times.

2. Have an Organized Bullet Journal

Before you start using this method, it would be a good idea to have an organized bullet journal so everything runs smoothly. Making sure you have an index and the pages numbered can help you be a lot more organized.

How to Bullet Journal in Just 10 Minutes a Day

3. Make a Bullet Journal Routine Layout

This is an optional step, but it might be a good idea if you have a lot of collection pages that you have to go through and fill out on a daily/weekly basis.

Basically, you will want to go through your bullet journal and then write down the pages you want to look at on a daily basis. For example, filling in a sleep tracker daily.

Your list might look something like this.

  • Sleep tracker
  • Food log (you would fill it in for yesterday if you fill in your bullet journal in the morning)
  • Mood tracker
  • Yearly Overview
  • Monthly Overview
  • Weekly/Daily Layout

Next to the collection layouts, you might also have a page number or you could use washi tape to mark these pages.

4. Set a Timer for 10 Minutes

Now it is time to do your actual bullet journal routine! When it is time for you to do your bullet journal routine, set a timer for 10 minutes and fill out all of your collection pages. If you have a lot of them, you can use your bullet journal routine layout to help you out.

After you fill out those layouts, you can make your to-do list for the day after checking your monthly or weekly layout if you have them.

Then with the remaining time (If you have any time after that), you can check your other bullet journal layouts or spend a minute or two making a new layout.

A little bit every day adds up!

How to Bullet Journal in Just 10 Minutes a Day

How to Bullet Journal in Just 10 Minutes a Day

All you have to do after that is to remember to do your bullet journal routine! It will probably take at least fifteen days to turn this into a habit, so remember to have your bullet journal somewhere where you can see it and access it easily. Good luck!

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