15 Tips for Shopping Online + In-Store

by - November 10, 2018
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming up, and I have some tips for you to save time and save some money too!

15 Tips for Shopping Online + In-Store

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Updated for 2024

15 Tips for Shopping Online + In-Store

Do you like shopping in-store or online better? How can I skip the lines in-store? How can I know that the item fits when I buy it online?

There are pros and cons to shopping in-store and pros and cons of shopping online, but today I have some tips for you to get around the cons and add some more pros to shopping online and in-store.

1. Know Your Colors

I don't know if I can stress this one enough. If you haven't started your capsule wardrobe, then you should! Starting a capsule wardrobe was one of the best decisions I made for my closet.

Knowing your colors is part of having a great capsule wardrobe that works together because you can have a capsule wardrobe, but still not look good in it. Knowing your colors is the missing piece you need to add to your wardrobe.

2. Don't Buy it Just Because it is on Sale or on Clearance 

Just because it is a great price, doesn't mean you have to buy it. It may be on sale, but that doesn't mean it looks good on you.

If it is on sale and it is of good quality, then it is fine to buy it. Just make sure that you are careful when you buy something on sale or clearance.

Too many people say, "I would never be able to find something else this cheap which looks like this, and I may like it or fit into it later, so I will just buy this now."

3. Don't go on a Shopping Spree 

When you go on a shopping spree, you buy a lot of clothes, which isn't necessarily bad if your wardrobe is empty. The problem is after you buy a few things, you start getting tired and less careful.

Maybe the first item you bought, you checked the thickness of the cloth to see if it is high-quality, but the next item you buy, you forget to check to see if it is high-quality. Just be aware of how many clothing items you are buying at one time.

4. Don't Buy Low-Quality Clothes 

If you want to be buying new clothes every few months, then you can buy low-quality clothes. If you want your clothes to last, then take your time and buy high-quality clothes.

This tip goes along with the shopping spree tip. If you don't buy too many things at once, then you will be more careful about checking the quality.

5. Don't Buy it if it Doesn't Fit 

This is one of my favorite tips. How many times have you bought something too small because you were "going" to fit into it later?

 Let me tell you right now. You don't want to have two whole wardrobes. One which fits and the other one which is "going to fit". If you are trying to lose weight, then have one item for inspiration. That is all!

Time Saving Tips

6. Grab Three Pairs of Each Item

No, not all the same size. Grab one the size you think you need, and a size larger, and a size smaller. That way if it doesn't fit, you don't have to go back and find where you got that item, and what size you got.

7. Have in Mind What you are Going to Buy

When I go shopping, I usually look online, before I go, so that way I know what I want to buy. A great way to do this is to have a shopping list, just as if you are going grocery shopping. It doesn't have to be super specific. You just need to know what you are looking for.

9. Go shopping online! 

If almost everyone in the reviews says it fits as expected and is high-quality, then you can just buy it online if you are sure that you will like it.

10. Buy Online and Pick up In-Store

If you want to skip the lines, but don't want to have to wait for it to arrive at your house, then try the buy online and pick up in-store method if it is available. This will save you some time because you won't have to go find out what aisle it is on, and stick it in your cart, etc.

Money Saving Tips

11. Subscribe to the Store's Newsletter

Usually, if you subscribe to the store's newsletter, they will send you some type of coupon or deal that you can use. 

12. Search on Google for a Promo Code

Doing a simple search on Google for a coupon can often lead to a discount! And who doesn't want a discount on their order? Just type in the store's name and "coupon" or "discount" and often enough there may even be more than one.

13. Check Other Sites

I always check other sites for the same item, if I know that it isn't a product only sold in that store. Just make sure that the other sites you are looking at, are real sites and not scams. 

To check if it is a scam or not, read reviews. If they are all five stars, it may be a scam. To be on the safe side, make sure that there are at least 100 reviews before buying.

14. Wait for a Holiday Sale

Often, if you find something you like, and it is too much money for your budget, you can just wait for a holiday sale. Sign up for the store's newsletter, to make sure that you are notified of when the store is going to have a sale.

15. Use Cash Back Sites When Buying Online

I use MyPoints and Swagbucks (These are affiliate links, but I only refer products and sites I love, and these two are free!) to take surveys for a little extra cash, but you can also earn points per dollar you spend at stores, which you can redeem for gift cards. 

And yes, they are real because I have earned over $95 dollars in the last few months from them! :)

If you want to sign up, I would love it if you would sign up through my links. :)

15 Tips for Shopping Online + In-Store

What tips do you have for shopping online and in-store? Those are all of the tips for today, but if you liked this fashion post, then you will like some of the ones below too.

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15 Tips for Shopping Online + In-Store

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