Back to School Bullet Journal Layouts Part 1
With school starting again, you have to be organized and ready to go, or else you might end up with chaos.

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Updated for 2024
Then you will be trying to figure out your first days of the school year and finding an organization system to organize your school stuff.Today, I thought that I would put this post out there, so that you can (hopefully) get some ideas for your school organization in your bullet journal before school starts.
Back to School Bullet Journal Layouts Part 1

1. Classes List Bullet Journal Page
The first page I made for my school section is this index-type page. It has the names of all of my classes, and then a color for each one. This year I am trying color-coding! I hope that it works well. :)
I wanted my school bullet journal section to be sort of simple and minimalist, but with all of the colors, it turned out a little different than I thought it would, but I still really like the pages I made.

2. First Semester Overview Bullet Journal Page
My next pages are my first semester pages. This first one is like a year at a glance, except for it is for one semester instead of for the entire year. I really like how I did the header on this page and the mini calendars, even though the calendars were super hard to make because I had to figure out the spacing.
At the bottom of this page, I had some room, so I put a quote, but it would also be a great spot for color-coding or for notes too.
Something I did, which I am finding is really helpful, is shading in all of the school days, with a pencil, so you can see at a glance when your next day off is.
On the next page, there is a box for events, and on one side of the line, I add the date, and on the other side of the line, I put what the event is. Next to that box, at the top, I have a box with all of the school holidays on it, because it is helpful to know when you have a break from school. :)
Below the holiday box is a box for the midterms I have. I can put the day of the midterm, supplies I need for the midterm, or just general notes. In the midterms box, I put a sub-header for every class I have a midterm in.

3. Second Semester Overview Bullet Journal Page
My semester two pages are very similar, except for I used different headers for everything, I didn't add a quote, and I included a small box for every final so that I could have a little more room for information.
I love how I did the headers for the calendars and for the holidays' box on this layout.

4. Weekly Schedule Bullet Journal Page
After that, is my weekly schedule. I am so happy with how this one turned out. It is probably my favorite out of all of my layouts for school so far.
I have my schedule going from 5 AM to 10 PM, so it isn't all 24 hours in the day. I used my school color-coding, to show what time each class was at.
At the bottom, I have a weekly tasks section for things that I like to do on a certain day of the week, but I don't have to do them at a certain time. (I hope that I made the squares big enough to write down all of my weekly tasks!)

5. Classes Bullet Journal Pages
Then I have a layout for almost all of my classes, to help me make sure that I am on task and doing everything that I have to for the class. This type of page is great for putting down a class syllabus, the key assignments, reading list, and teacher information.
The one above is for exercise, so I have a box for semester one and two, a small fitness schedule, and a box for monthly fitness goals.
Back to School Bullet Journal Layouts Part 1
That is part 1 of the bullet journal layouts I am using for school. Pretty soon, after I have finished making the rest of my layouts, I will publish part two. Probably school goals pages, my ideal day (with routines), and a few other pages I am making.
You might also enjoy reading these posts.
- Using Crayola Super Tips in my Bullet Journal
- How to Use Hand Lettering in Your Planner
- Pros + Cons of Bullet Journaling in a Binder
- How to Bullet Journal in Your Planner
I hope that you enjoyed reading this post! :)

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