Things You Can do to be More Productive Right Now
Do you sometimes wish you could be more productive instantly? I am sure you have! Everyone gets into productivity ruts sometimes. With these easy tips, you can start feeling more productive instantly. Read this post, but then don't stop there. Actually, do one or more of the ideas on this list (or write them down) so you aren't just passively taking in information and not truly getting anything from this post!

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Updated for 2024
Sometimes I feel like no matter how much I do; I am not truly getting anything done because my to-do list is still so long. At times like these, it is great to have a list of things you can do to be more productive right then, so you can feel like you are accomplishing something. I hope these tips will help you be more productive today!
It is time to get right into the tips, so you can start being more productive right now. :)
5 Things You Can do to be More Productive Right Now
1. Take a Break
Taking a quick break will help you be more productive because when you get back to the task you were doing, you will be able to complete it faster, and without procrastination.
Even just standing up and walking around the room for a few minutes, will help you to be more productive. I do this all of the time!
- Going for a walk.
- Making a done list. (A list of what you have already accomplished today.)
- Eating a snack.
- Getting a sip of water.
- Going outside for a few moments.
- Thinking of some things you are grateful for.
- Doodling. :)
- Doing one of the easy tasks on your to-do list.
Taking a break only uses a few seconds or minutes of your time, and then you can go back to what you are doing with a refreshed mind.
2. Make a To-Do List
I know that I am guilty of making mental to-do lists sometimes, and then I have to spend time in between each task trying to keep track of everything on my mental to-do list. Let's just take the easy route of having it somewhere where we can see it, shall we?
If you don't like to write, you can simply type up your to-do list on your phone, as long as notifications are not going to distract you from your to-do list.
If you already have a to-do list, then good for you! But if you think your to-do list is not helping you to be as productive as you could be then you might want to consider color-coding it or dividing it up into sections.

3. Doing a Brain Dump
If your brain is all over the place, and you simply can't figure out where to start, then you can do a brain dump.Grab a sheet of paper and just start writing down everything that you are thinking of: things you have to do, things you want to do, household tasks that have to be done, things you have to buy, etc.
Then start putting checkboxes next to tasks, exclamation marks next to things that are urgent or time-sensitive, and smiley-faces next to things you want to do when you have time. (You can use these things as rewards for when you finish sections of your to-do list or large tasks.)
Also, note if you can delegate any tasks to someone else or if they don't really need to be done. You may want to grab another sheet of paper and put your tasks in sections, or you could use arrows to group tasks together. You may even want to color-code your list.
Then you can prioritize the tasks on your list and get to work!

4. Eliminate Distractions
This is a hard one because sometimes you can't eliminate the distractions. You can try and minimize them though.
For example, if the task you are doing, is on your phone, and you are trying to concentrate on it, but you keep getting notifications, then you can turn off notifications for apps that are going to distract you. (Hint hint: social media :) )
If you are on a laptop or desktop computer, then you can maximize your browser window, so you will not be tempted to open up other tabs while you are working on the task at hand.
Other distractions, like noise, might be harder for you to eliminate. If it helps you to be more productive, then you could turn on some music to drown out cover other noises that might distract you.
Or if you are distracted by food because you eat where you work, then you can move somewhere where you don't eat to work. This way, you won't be thinking about food because you are somewhere where you never eat.

5. Turn on a Timer
After you have eliminated distractions, you can turn on a timer for an amount of time that you think you will be able to focus for. If it is a really hard task, you might put your timer on for fifteen minutes. If you are going to be doing a number of small tasks, then you might turn your timer on for forty-five minutes.When the timer goes off, stop what you are doing and take a short break. You might do one or more of the ideas in #1 to take a break.
Then turn on your timer again, and complete some more tasks!
5 Things You Can do to be More Productive Right Now
Make a bullet journal layout, or add these ideas to the notes app on your phone to help you the next time you are feeling unproductive and you want to boost your productivity. Just to recap these ideas, so you don't forget them...
- Taking a Break
- Going for a walk.
- Making a done list. (A list of what you have already accomplished today.)
- Eating a snack.
- Getting a sip of water.
- Going outside for a few moments.
- Thinking of some things you are grateful for.
- Doodling. :)
- Doing one of the easy tasks on your to-do list.
- Making a To-Do List
- Doing a Brain Dump
- Eliminating Any Distractions
- Turning on a Timer
If you want some more productivity tips, then you can read some of my most popular productivity posts below.
- Fun + Productive Things to do While at Home
- How to be Insanely Productive During Quarantine
- How to Plan for the Little Things While Getting the Big Things Done
- My Planner Set Up + How I Make it Work
What do you do when you want to be more productive? I would love to know so make sure you tell me in the comments!

Share this post if you found it helpful, so your friends can be more productive too. :)