How to Easily Create Habits in 6 Simple Steps

by - March 16, 2019
What do you think of when I say the word "habits"?

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Updated for 2024

How to Easily Create Habits in 6 Simple Steps

Do you think of all of the failed habits, or how much you struggle to keep your habits going when your planner doesn't even work for you?

When I think of habits, I always think of a habit tracker, which is one of the first things you can try to see if tracking your habits works for you.

There are many creative ways (and minimalist ways) to do this! Find whatever works best for you.

  • In your planner or bullet journal
    • habit tracker on a separate page
    • habit tracker going down the side of your monthly page
    • putting a habit tracker sticker on your weekly page
    • writing your habits in your monthly squares and then checking them off or coloring them in
    • using a yearly tracker (like a year in pixels spread)
  • On your phone
    • have your home screen be a to-do list with your habits on it (I use my home screen as a to-do list and it works great!)
    • add your habits into your calendar as a checklist with reminders
  • On your desktop calendar
    • Use a habit tracker stamp to add monthly habit trackers into the notes section or space at the top of the page
  • On a separate page
    • If you feel like none of the above options work for you, try printing out a free habit tracker printable and putting it next to your bed.

After you have picked out one or more of the above options, it is time to actually create those habits. Write down on your habit tracker every single habit you want to start.

Pick a time of the day when you are going to do your task to turn it into a habit. Below are some ideas you can use.

  • Wash the dishes right after the meal
  • Make your bed right after you get out of it :)
  • Go to bed at or before a certain time
  • Exercise at 3:00 in the afternoon
  • Wake up at a certain time

I hope you get the point; you need to pick a time of the day for each one of your habits. If you pick a time of the day to do your task, it will more easily turn into a habit. 

You need to make sure that you don't put off doing your habit because then you just end up not doing it! 

Okay, so the next step after you have picked a time of the day is to set your reminder or your alarm.

How are you going to remember to do [Insert your task here] at a certain time?

  • Set a reminder on your phone (Certainly one of the easiest ideas!)
  • Do that task after a certain thing
    • Doing it right after lunch
    • Right when I arrive at the house
    • Right after I exercise
  • Set an alarm on your watch
  • Use time-blocking in your planner or bullet journal, to keep your day on track

Now you need to think about what is stopping you from creating these habits. What is stopping you from creating your habits???

Create a list of everything that is stopping you from creating your habits. Below is an example of what your list might look like.

  • THE HABIT - Wake and get up at 6:00
    • Going to bed too late
    • Hitting the snooze button
    • Turning on my phone first thing and then looking at it "WHOOPS, I didn't mean to be on for 30 minutes!"
    • Having a too comfortable bed (just joking! :) )
    • Not using an alarm clock

After you have a list of everything that is keeping you from creating your habits, create a list of what you can do to fix that problem.

  • THE HABIT - Wake and get up at 6:00
    • Going to bed too late - Easy fix. Go to bed earlier. 
    • Hitting the snooze button - Put something in the way, so you can't press that button or just don't press it.
    • Turning on my phone first thing and then looking at it - Don't have your phone next to your bed or don't use your phone for your alarm.
    • Having a too comfortable bed (just joking! :) ) - No need to fix this one. :)
    • Not using an alarm clock - Buy an alarm clock.

How to Easily Create Habits in 6 Simple Steps

And there you have it. That is how to create habits easily. Let's recap what is in this post.

  1. Print out a habit tracker and write down a list of all of the habits you want to create.
  2. Pick a time of the day when you are going to do each habit.
  3. Set a reminder or an alarm.
  4. Figure out what is stopping you from creating your habits.
  5. Write down a fix for each problem.
  6. Go start tracking those habits! :)

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