How to Use Goal Mapping to Reach Your Goals

by - March 23, 2019
Have you ever heard of goal mapping? Maybe you have a goal you want to complete, but it is very overwhelming because you have no idea how to take any action to reach this goal. Goal mapping is a very effective tool you can use to reach your goals, and today, I'll be showing you how you can get started with this easy technique!

How to Use Goal Mapping to Reach Your Goals

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Updated for 2024

If you haven't, today I am going to introduce you to how you can do goal mapping to help you reach your goals.

Goal mapping is a great way to set and achieve your goals because it is so flexible and there are so many different ways in which you can do it.

I use goal mapping for all of my goals, and I use multiple different types of goal mapping because each goal is different so I can't usually use the same type of layout for each goal.

Let's get started because I am super excited to introduce you to goal mapping!

How to Use Goal Mapping to Reach Your Goals

So, how do I create a goal map?

Great question! :) All you need to create a goal map is a piece of paper and a pen or pencil, but a protractor and a ruler are great to have too.

I use two different types of goal maps. One has lines on it in a 1, 2, 3 fashion and under each number an a, b, c layout which is great for more structured goals.

It would look something like the following example.

  1.  My first step to reach my goal
    1. My first sub-step
    2. My second sub-step
    3. My third sub-step
  2. My second step to reach my goal
    1. My first sub-step
    2. My second sub-step
    3. My third sub-step

You probably get the idea. You can add as many steps and sub-steps in as you need, so this is ideal for structured goals.

The other way, which you can also use is a little harder to set up, but I really like using it because it can work for any goal.

You can check out the image at the beginning of this post to see what this type of goal map looks like.

To make a goal map like this, start with a blank piece of paper. Now divide it up into as many sections as you need for checkboxes, doodles, notes and more.

I can't really give much more instruction than that because every goal map is different, but I can try. :)

  1. One way to do a goal map is by starting with writing your goal in the middle. 
  2. Then draw lines coming from the goal in the middle.
  3. At the end of each line, write the steps you are going to take to reach that goal.
  4. Now draw lines coming out of each step.
  5. At the end of each line, write down the sub-steps you are going to take to finish each step.
  6. Add some doodles and have fun!

This type of goal map is great for goals with lots of steps, sub-steps, and even sub-steps of the sub-steps.

I like to use a ruler to draw lines, so the lines on my goal map don't mess me up. Stickers are a great way to add some motivation to your goal maps too!

How to Use Goal Mapping to Reach Your Goals

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