Minimalist Floral Simple Bullet Journal Plan With Me

by - January 22, 2022

 A bullet journal can be a wonderful tool for your productivity, but it can be so many other things as well! A bullet journal can help you be more productive, and plan more efficiently. It can help you reach your goals, and be a tool for personal growth, not to mention that there is a creative side to bullet journaling too! Bullet journaling truly is an all-in-one solution to help you level up your life!

Minimalist Floral Simple Bullet Journal Plan With Me

Side Note - This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you buy something from one of these links, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. For more information, you can read my privacy policy. Thank you for supporting my blog. :)

Updated for 2024

Today, I'm super excited for this post because I'm going to show you my bullet journal setup for 2022, and it's even better than last year's setup. My skills have improved so much over the past years. If you take a look at my first bullet journal, I'm sure you will be surprised, and I'm not saying that to brag. The whole point of me telling you this is to show you that your art skills can improve too!

Of course, bullet journaling isn't just about aesthetics, my plan for reaching my goals this year is different than in the past years, and from the fine-tuning over the years, I think I will be able to reach more of my goals this year!

If you haven't set up all of your layouts for your bullet journal this year, then now is the time to pull it out!

First, I wanted to talk a little bit about the supplies I used, and then we will get right into my 2022 bullet journal setup!

Supplies Used for My 2022 Bullet Journal Setup

Just a little recap! Back in 2020, I used a Minimalism Art Notebook from Amazon. (I just checked on Amazon to find it, and the notebook I bought is no longer being sold so I can't speak for the quality of their newer notebooks, which may be better) The binding on the Minimalism Art notebook broke halfway through the year, so I decided to move to a Scrivwell notebook for 2021, and guess what?

I LOVED using it! I have absolutely no complaints about the Scrivwell dotted notebooks (I am not getting paid to say that), and so I am using one again this year. For under $15, I am super happy with the quality and thickness of the pages, the number of pages, and the fact that it comes with two bookmarks!

If you've been reading my blog for a while, then you might be surprised that I picked a black bullet journal notebook this year. All of my other journals and planners are pink! Well, the reason why I chose black instead of pink is because I wanted to buy the same brand, but I didn't want to have two identical journals.

Plus, I'm starting a new chapter of my life this year, so I thought it was time for a change!

Besides my notebook, here are some of my other supplies...

  • Ecoline Brush Pens - The Ecoline brush pens are the newest addition to my stationery collection and I really like them, but they are on the pricey side. The ink is really smooth and juicy though. :)
  • Black Sharpie Pen - If you have read any of my other posts, then you will probably know that I always use a black Sharpie pen for writing in my bullet journal. These ones have smooth ink and they last for a fairly long time.
  • Tombow Fudesonuke Brush Pens - Another great option for beginners, the Tombow Fudesonuke brush pens come in a two-pack: one hard tip, and one soft tip. The hard-tip brush pen is better suited for beginners and smaller calligraphy, while the soft-tip brush pen is for calligraphy with thicker strokes.
  • Tombow Dual-Tip Brush Pens - Even though these ones are a little bit expensive, they are double-tipped: one side is a brush tip, and the other side has a regular pointed tip, making them good for multiple purposes.
  • White Gel Pen - I use a white gel pen to mark out any mistakes I make on my layouts, and while it is sometimes still a little bit noticeable, it doesn't bother me.
  • Mechanical Pencil - I sketch out my layouts in pencil before I add ink to help eliminate errors.
  • A Stencil - I don't know where I got mine, but it works as a ruler and it has mini symbols that I stencil onto my layouts sometimes.
  • Washi Tape - I use washi tape on some of my layouts for a cute touch. :) (These aren't the exact same ones I have, but I usually buy my washi tape from Michaels)

Yay! Now it's time to get into the actual setup!

Minimalist Floral Simple Bullet Journal Plan With Me

For my bullet journal theme for 2022, I decided to challenge my art skills and push my creative limits so I am going with a floral theme in light pink and green tones.

The fonts I am going to be using in my bullet journal this year are my normal handwriting, small capital letters, and Darling Modern Luxury Cursive.

1. Word of the Year + Quote of the Year

(You can see a picture of this layout up above.) Definitely, the hardest layout I have added to my bullet journal so far! Don't let the first page in my bullet journal seem daunting if you are a beginner and want to gain some inspiration from my layouts. My layouts are a lot more minimalist going forward.

I am starting a new chapter of my life this year, so I picked the word "journey" for my word of the year, and I included the definition of journey on this page as well.

Of course, I had to pick a quote with my word of the year in it! The quote I found is "The only impossible journey is the one you never begin" by Tony Robbins.

Since I wanted to push my creative limits in my bullet journal this year, I decided to start right away by cutting up my journal! This is one way to quickly get rid of the fear of making mistakes in your bullet journal.

I found the drawing of the flowers here, and it literally took me around two hours to draw them! I think it was worth it though because I will use this page for the rest of the year. 365 days of value for only two hours of work, am I right?

Minimalist Floral Simple Bullet Journal Plan With Me

2. Cover Page

When you flip over the Dutch door layout, this is what you see. I had extra room on the first side of this layout, so I decided to add a picture of myself to capture this moment in time (even though the picture is almost a year old 😂).

Below that, I added a sticker from a Recollections sticker pack (same brand, but different stickers) because I have planner stickers, but I almost never use them. 2022 is going to be my year to use them, and not be a stationery hoarder anymore! lol

Below that, I jotted down my reminders for the year, which are...

  1. Put God first.
  2. Work hard.
  3. Have fun.
  4. Stay positive.

On the other side of the page, I continued my floral theme by drawing a floral icon. Then I wrote my name in cursive, and my contact information, just in case I ever lose it!

Minimalist Floral Simple Bullet Journal Plan With Me

3. Index

For my index page this year, I went with a very simple, traditional book format. As you can see, I've already added quite a few layouts to my bullet journal so I might do a bullet journal setup part 2 to show you some more of my bullet journal layouts.

You may have noticed that I didn't add a key to my bullet journal. I always use whatever symbols I want so I never add a key to my bullet journal.

4. Year in Review

Last week, I wrote a whole post on how to do a year in review in a bullet journal to help you figure out what you need to focus on for the year. I recommend reading that post if you want to create a year in review or if you want to see pictures of my "Year in Review" from this year and the year before.

Also, I have "Year in Review" layouts available to print immediately in my shop if you want to take the stress out of setting up a "Year in Review" bullet journal layout. You can print out one of my products immediately after purchase, and then just follow the tips in my year in review post to help guide you! Easy peasy!

My "Year in Review" bullet journal layout includes things like how many goals I completed, highlights of the year, the year on a scale of 1-10, and more!

5. Level 10 Life

If you haven't heard of the Level 10 Life method, basically, it is a method from the book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. I read the book myself, and it has some handy tips for stepping into the world of personal development, so if you feel like you need to improve your life, then that book is a great place to start!

Speaking of leveling up your life, let's get back into how to do a Level 10 Life bullet journal layout.

You have 10 categories for different areas of your life, and then you rate each one on a scale of 1-10. (This year, I am using 12 categories because I wanted a different category for each month.)

Here are some category ideas...

  • Faith + Religion
  • Adulting
  • Education
  • Business or Career
  • Personal Development
  • Nutrition
  • Fitness
  • Mental Health
  • Family + Friends
  • Finances
  • Contributing
  • Environment

After you rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 in each of the categories you pick, you list goal ideas of how you could improve in each area of your life.

You can learn more about how to do a "Level 10 Life" bullet journal layout and see examples here.

Minimalist Floral Simple Bullet Journal Plan With Me

6. 23 Before 2023 + Goal Timeline

Now it is time to set some goals! Every year, I like to set one more goal than last year, so last year I did a "22 Before 2022" layout and this year I'm doing a "23 Before 2023" layout. I don't know how many years I'll be able to keep this up for!

From doing the above two layouts, I had a pretty good idea of what goals I wanted to set for this year. I wrote down my ideas for goals on my "Level 10 Life" layout so on this layout I decided on specific goals I wanted to complete this year, and then I just made this simple list.

This way, I can see at a glance exactly what my goals for the year are. The lettering at the top isn't very clear in the photo, but that is because I wrote "23" and "2023" in light pink.

You might be wondering what exactly is going on on the right side of the page. This is where I set up a new layout that I haven't used before. It's a goal timeline. On this layout, I calculated a time frame and a deadline for each goal.

I haven't finished filling in a timeline for four of my goals, but I think that this goal timeline layout will be helpful because I can see at a glance which goals I need to be working on.

I had some fun doodling plants around the border of these layouts! I think it looks pretty! :)

Minimalist Floral Simple Bullet Journal Plan With Me

7. Goal Dashboard

Bring on the dutch door bullet journal layouts! It was fun to create the tabs on this layout, and I think it turned out really cute! I did have to tape one of my pages though because I cut too close to the binding. Oops!

Last year, I utilized a goal master plan... and let's just say it didn't go as planned. 😂 To be completely honest, I used the layout for less than a month. It just did not work for me, but I still managed to reach 17/22 of my goals without it.

Anyway, this year I am using this goal dashboard instead. I have a section for each goal, where I can plan out the steps I need to take to reach each one. If I need more room to plan, I can just add a page number to where I can find more information about the goal.

Along with information about each goal, I also have space to write out my motivations for reaching each goal. Last year, I realized that I didn't reach some of my goals because I didn't actually want to reach them. When I'm having trouble with a goal, I can look at my list of reasons as to why I want to reach that goal.

At the top, I wrote the quote "a goal properly set is halfway reached" by Zig Ziglar.

Minimalist Floral Simple Bullet Journal Plan With Me

8. Year-at-a-Glance

The last layout I wanted to show you in today's bullet journal setup is my "Year-at-a-Glance" layout. It is fairly simple. I made a mini calendar for each month with enough space at the bottom to jot down important events in my year.

At the top, I added some doodles, which were inspired by a layout around halfway down this post. (I would give credit to the original creator, but the link to the original source did not work for me.)

Minimalist Floral Simple Bullet Journal Plan With Me

I hope you enjoyed seeing my bullet journal setup for 2022. I'm very excited to see what this year brings, and I hope you have an amazing year!

If you want to see my bullet journal layouts from past years, you can check out the links below.

Here is to having an amazing 2022! Have a great week!
Make sure you save this post for bullet journal inspiration to use later!

Minimalist Floral Simple Bullet Journal Plan With Me

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