My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup Part 2

by - March 20, 2021

 Bullet journaling is fun and helps you to be organized, but it also can be time-consuming, especially when you add fancy calligraphy and drawings! Even though I was planning on posting the next part of my bullet journal set up the second week of January, I couldn't because I hadn't finished the layouts yet. If you are looking for bullet journal layouts to help you be more organized, then keep scrolling!

My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup Part 2

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Updated for 2024

If you have seen the first part of my bullet journal setup, then you will know that I am going for a light pink minimalist aesthetic. If you haven't seen the first part of my bullet journal setup and you like my bullet journal aesthetic, then I recommend checking it out because it has a lot of basic pages you can add to your bullet journal including the index and goal setting pages!

If you have read that post, then you will know that this year I am not making monthly bullet journal layouts, and instead, I am using to-do list layouts because I want to simplify my bullet journal.

Because of this, I am no longer doing monthly plan with me's like I did last year, but this year I may post the layouts and collection pages I made during the month instead so if you like my bullet journal style, you can come back monthly and get some inspiration for new bullet journal layouts!

And now, let's get right into the bullet journal layouts!

My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup Part 2

My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup Part 2

1. Bullet Journal Ideas

First up, is my bullet journal layout ideas page. I always find it helpful to have a page like this at the beginning of my bullet journal, so I don't forget to make any of the pages that I want to make.

At the bottom of this layout, I added some washi tape for decoration, but you can't see it in this picture.

If you like making a lot of collection pages in your bullet journal, then you would probably find this layout very helpful!

My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup Part 2

2. Books to Read

One of my goals for the year is to read 12 nonfiction books, and the easiest way to do this is to plan ahead what books I want to read. This layout is very simple, with just the title of the book on one side and the author on the other.

I got the inspiration for this layout from Pinterest, but I'm not sure who's the layout originally is, so if the design of this bullet journal layout is yours, please let me know so I can add a link to the original content.

You could also use a layout like this for movies you want to watch, or music you want to listen to.

My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup Part 2

3. Pen Test Page

I don't know about you, but as a bullet journalist, I like buying new stationery, and I like testing out new stationery as well!

With a layout like this, you can keep track of your pen sets, and you can just test out the colors, etc.

You can also label your pens so you can make sure to get the exact pen you want when you look at this page.

My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup Part 2

4. Gratitude

Another one of my goals for this year is to write down something I am grateful for daily. I have twelve columns on this layout, and then a square for each day of the year.

At the top of this layout, I wrote, "It's not happiness that brings us gratitude, it's gratitude that brings us happiness". Being grateful for everything around you really can make you happier!

My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup Part 2

5. Blog Schedule

Blogging is a lot of work! It's so much for than just posting something you write, and then waiting for people to read it. You have to take photos, research, write, edit, post, and then promote, promote, promote.

Of course, it can be hard to keep everything organized, but my blog schedule helps to keep me on track.

For every month, I have a section with a small calendar. The days I post on the blog are highlighted. Next to that, I have a list of the dates I will post and a space to write the name of the blog post.

Below that, I have a simple checklist so I can see at a glance how much I promote on each platform, and below that, I have a simple box to take notes in and write my goals for the month.

My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup Part 2

6. Blog Post Ideas

Another blogging layout idea I know. If you aren't a blogger, you can skip to the next image, but if you are a blogger, then this layout is so so HELPFUL.

When I have no idea what I want to post, I can look at this layout and have some ideas already there. Plus, then when I do have a post idea and my schedule is full, I can write it down and do it another week.

This way, hopefully, you will never run out of content.

7. Sponsors

Bloggers sometimes work with brands to create sponsored content, and that is what this layout is for. When I reach out to a brand to see if they want to work with me, I can put the information down on this layout.

My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup Part 2

8. Highlights of the Year

Okay, I have one of these layouts in my bullet journal every year, and I love it!

It's a quite simple layout, I have a box for each month, and then I just write down some memories from each month in the corresponding box.

It's a simple way to keep track of the good and maybe the bad things that happened during the month just so you don't forget them.

Plus, if you aren't very good at keeping a diary, this might be easier for you.

My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup Part 2

9. Recipes Made

Another of my goals for the year is to learn to make some new recipes, so on this layout I am writing down 52 recipes I made for the year. I am working on making around one new recipe a week from scratch.

At the bottom of the layout, I had some extra room so I add some cute little doodles!

Making a layout for each of the goals you are trying to reach, is a good way to break down each of your goals.

My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup

In between all of those layouts, I just have a bunch of to-do lists, and so far this year, it has been working pretty well. Hopefully, these layouts will help you to be more organized!

If you liked this post, you can read these ones as well.

Have a good and productive week!
Pin this, so you can use these layouts for inspiration!

My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup Part 2

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