3 Years Blogging + What I Have Learned

by - February 27, 2021

The 24th of February was my third blogging anniversary! I am really happy that I managed to reach this milestone, and I have learned a lot along the way (especially this past year). Today, I wanted to share with you some of what I have learned just in case you are thinking of starting a blog and you don't know what to expect or how much time it is going to take.

3 Years Blogging + What I Have Learned

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Updated for 2024

I'm definitely not an expert and I still have a lot to learn, but I have come a very long way from when I first started blogging so I wanted to share this information with you!

I have two other posts on blogging as well, and you can read those below to hear about other parts of my blogging journey.

Before we get into what I have learned from these past three years of blogging, I wanted to highlight a few of my milestones because blogging is by no means easy, and it can be time-consuming even though it doesn't have to be if you just want it to be a hobby blog.

Blogging Milestones from This Past Year

Plus, a big thank you to all of you who read my blog regularly! My articles have been read more than 210,000 times and I am able to reach more than 500,000 people across my social media platforms monthly!

These numbers have more than doubled since last year, so I am excited to see what the next year has to bring!

My most popular posts of all time...

Now it's time to get into what I have learned from these 3 years of blogging. The stuff you've been waiting for, am I right?

3 Years Blogging + What I Have Learned

What I've Learned from Blogging for 3 Years

1. Consistency is Everything

It sounds cliche, but it definitely works. Find a schedule for your blog and then stick to it. This year, I focused on being consistent on Pinterest and it paid off, as I am now able to reach more than 500,000 people a month.

With that being said, you don't want to try and be consistent with everything at the beginning because it will be too much, and you will end up being burnt out. Just pick one or two things (For example, posting on the blog weekly and doing Pinterest daily), and then be consistent with them.

Also, that doesn't mean that you just need to do those one or two platforms exclusively. I still have an email list, but it is all automated, so I don't have to worry about it. You might also pick for yourself another social media platform or two, but it is okay if you aren't as consistent with those other platforms.

Taking a day off every once in a while, is okay, but if you find yourself taking breaks every other week, then it is a good idea to take a step back and assess where you are so you can figure out what is working.

Blogging is not just slapping a few photos on a page with a bunch of words. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes and a lot of people don't realize this. It is a LOT of work and being consistent is tough, but it pays off in the long run.

If you get anything out of this post, hopefully, it is to be consistent.

3 Years Blogging + What I Have Learned

2. Photography is Important

You need photography in your posts to keep people on the page. Coming to a blog post and seeing huge chunks of text with no images is a huge turn-off for me. People like to have something else to see on the page to break up the monotony of black and white words.

On another note - I started out blogging using stock photography, but I don't recommend using stock photography unless you are paying for it.

I have seen enough free stock photography that I can recognize when a blogger is using free stock photography, and it makes the information on the page seem a little less valuable.

When you use free stock photography, it's from a number of different photographers, so they do not match, and it takes away from your brand. To be direct, it looks less professional. Stick with paid stock photography or take your own!

When people see your social media graphics, they will decide whether they want to click over to read your articles, and if your photos don't look professional, they will be less likely to click over to read them.

I started taking my own flat lay photography, and my skills have gotten better in just a short time. It doesn't have to be expensive. I have only spent a few dollars on props, and I use my phone!

A Few Tips for Taking Your Own Flat Lay Photography

  • Have a clean background for your photos. I usually use foam board.
  • Use props that match your brand. The props I use in my photos are mainly black or pink. Arrange them flat on the board, and then look at it from a few different angles and arrange the props until you like how it looks.
  • Use consistent editing. I use Lightroom which is a free app, and it's pretty easy to learn how to use. Once you make a preset, which is basically a pro filter, you can use it on all of your photos to make them look cohesive.
  • Use natural lighting.

So, what about the photos I am in?

I do not take these photos even though it is possible to take your own photos using a tripod, and a handheld remote. I want to give a special shout-out to my photographer! I know that you read all of my posts so you will see this. Thank you so much for all you do!

Having cohesive photos ties into having a cohesive brand, which is another important aspect of blogging.

3 Years Blogging + What I Have Learned

3. Figure Out Your Brand

This is crucial to having a put-together business and looking professional. I started this blog on a shoestring budget, but that doesn't mean that all of you need to be able to tell that. :)

I learned HTML/JavaScript so I could customize and make my site look professional. You may not need to do that, but it is a good idea to have a favicon, professional-looking images, and brand colors.

Along with that, you should have all of the important blogging pages including an about me page, legal pages such as a privacy policy, terms and conditions, and a contact page.

Next, you should try and find your blogging voice. It takes some time, but you want to be able to convey information to your readers in an easy-to-read format and it should be like talking to a friend.

All of this is important to having a clear-cut professional brand.

People always say not to judge a book by its cover, but when you go to a website, you can immediately tell what sort of a company it is and if they take their website seriously or if it is just a hobby.

3 Years Blogging + What I Have Learned

3 Years Blogging + What I Have Learned

Ultimately, if you are thinking of starting a blog, I would suggest that you should just go for it! It is a huge learning experience and even though it is a lot of work, it is also a lot of fun! It definitely changed my life for the better. Just remember your work doesn't need to be perfect, as it will improve over time with practice.

If you liked this post, you can read these ones too.

Do you have any questions? I would be happy to answer them, so just leave a comment down below and I would be happy to answer your questions!
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3 Years Blogging + What I Have Learned

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