53 Things to Track in Your Bullet Journal or Planner

by - March 30, 2019
Trackers probably take up a big section in your bullet journal or planner. I know trackers take up a large amount of space in my bullet journal! Today, I'll be sharing 53 things you can track in your bullet journal, so you better pull it out so you can start making these layouts and increase your productivity!

53 Things to Track in Your Bullet Journal or Planner

Side Note - This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you buy something from one of these links, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. For more information, you can read my privacy policy. Thank you for supporting my blog. :)

Updated for 2024

Just a small side note. In case you are wondering, the brush pen calligraphy above is mine. I was just introduced to the world of brush pens and calligraphy, and so I have been practicing (a lot!). I found some great learning resources at By Dawn Nicole. She gives out a ton of free resources, which are super helpful and so I just wanted to give a shout-out to her for having such great resources! Thanks, Dawn!

I know that when I used a bullet journal, I had tons of layouts for all sorts of different things because I wanted to use my bullet journal to be as productive as I could.

Now I use a planner, but I still have bullet journal style layouts in it. I find that using a planner is easier for me because then I can move around pages in my planner to different sections.

Today, I wanted to talk about all of the different types of trackers, you can use in your bullet journal or planner, to get your life in order.

53 Things to Track in Your Bullet Journal or Planner

If you are just starting your bullet journal, I would recommend only picking a small number of trackers, or else you will become overwhelmed with all of the trackers, that you have to keep up with. You don't want to do that because then your bullet journal will just add to the chaos of your day!

After you get used to the number of trackers you are using, you can start adding in more trackers slowly to keep on organizing your life.

Skip to a section that you are interested in, and start looking at some ideas. :)


53 Things to Track in Your Bullet Journal or Planner

1. Motivating Quotes
2. Monthly Budget Tracker
3. Mood Tracker
4. Exercise Tracker
5. 30 Day Challenge Tracker
6. Fruit + Veggie Tracker
7. Food Tracker
8. Favorite Meals 
9. Step Tracker
10. Water Intake Tracker
11. Sleep Tracker
12. Books to Read
13. Movies to Watch
14. Memories Tracker or Best of 2024 Tracker
15. "The Last Time I..." Tracker
16. Internet Usage Tracker
17. Exercise Routines
18. Outfit Tracker
19. Clothes Tracker

53 Things to Track in Your Bullet Journal or Planner

20. Chore Tracker
21. House Cleaning Tracker
22. Bucket List
23. Savings Tracker
24. Holiday/Birthday Tracker
25. Debt Tracker
26. Gift Card Tracker
27. Gift Ideas
28. Weather Tracker
29. Outside Time Tracker
30. Washi Tape Tracker
31. Brush Pen/Gel Pen Tracker
32. Craft Project Ideas

53 Things to Track in Your Bullet Journal or Planner

33. Ongoing "To-Do" List
34. Midterm/Due Date Homework Tracker

Business/Blogging Trackers

53 Things to Track in Your Bullet Journal or Planner

35. Blogging Tasks
36. Posting Schedule
37. Favorite Blogs to Comment on
38. Brands to Collab With
39. Blogs to Guest Post on
40. Blog Post Ideas 
41. Blogging Experiments
42. Pinterest Pinning Schedule
43. Social Media Schedule
44. Social Media Followers
45. Subscribers
46. Blog Comments Tracker
46. Products to Make
47. Blogging Monthly Income
47. Blogging Monthly Spending
48. Courses to Take/Books to Buy
49. Blog Projects

Goal Setting Trackers

53 Things to Track in Your Bullet Journal or Planner

49. Long Term Goals
50. Short Term Goals
51. Vision Board
52. Goals Completed
53. Habit Tracker

53 Things to Track in Your Bullet Journal or Planner

I hope that you enjoyed this post!

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Now I want to hear from you. What trackers do you like to use in your planner or bullet journal?
Thank you for pinning this and sharing it with your friends!

53 Things to Track in Your Bullet Journal or Planner         53 Things to Track in Your Bullet Journal or Planner

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