Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

by - September 19, 2020

 As a student in high school, it is hard to juggle everything. Homework, and extra credit, and sports, and practicing instruments, not to mention that everyone wants some free time to spend with friends. Yep, it is hard to get everything done. A bullet journal can help you as a student to be more productive, and help you keep your life organized. Keep reading to see what bullet journal layouts I am using this year for school!

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

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Updated for 2024

Even if you aren't a student, you can still get some bullet journal layout ideas from this post to help you organize your life, because not all of these layouts are specifically for school. If you are in school, and you need help with being more productive, you can read How to be More Productive as a High Schooler.

School Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

Last year, I also did a post on bullet journal layout ideas for students. I am using some of the same layouts for school this year, but with new designs. You can see those bullet journal school layouts here and here. I made those layouts when I was bullet journaling in a binder, so if you want layout ideas that work in a binder or ring-bound notebook, then go check those posts out!

I know that for many people school already started a month ago (me included), but if you don't have any organization system in place, it is not too late to start getting organized!

And with that, let's get into the first bullet journal layout idea for school. :)

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

Back to School/Monthly School To-Do List

The first thing I did, when I started getting ready to go back to school, was to open up to my monthly bullet journal layout and make a to-do list for everything I needed to do to get ready for school. I also wrote down all of the layout ideas I wanted for school, and what classes I am taking this year.

During the school year, I also use a to-do list every month, to keep track of the bigger school assignments I need to complete.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

School Classes List

Having a school class list to refer back to is always a good idea because you can keep class information in one place.

On this layout, I have a list of the classes I am taking this year and some information about each one. You might include your teacher's name and contact info, where the class is, and what day the class is on.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

A Motivational Quote

Definitely not necessary, but a quote can help motivate and inspire you each time you open your bullet journal. I put this quote on the page next to my goals page, so when I look at my school goals, I also see the quote.

The quote I picked is, "Success doesn't come from planning, it comes from doing, So hustle". It reminds me that no matter how much I plan, success comes from actually doing.

Find a quote that motivates you and create a layout that will inspire you whenever you need a nudge to start doing your homework. :)

If you want some tips and ideas for easily creating a bullet journal quote layout, you can read Tips for Improving Your Bullet Journal Quote Pages, which contains everything you need to know to make a quote page in your bullet journal.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

School Goals

One of the most important pages I add to my bullet journal each year is my school goals page. Really just any goal-setting pages in general. At the beginning of the year, I set goals, but I also set goals at the beginning of the school year as well.

You can see my goal-setting pages for the year here. I kept this layout simple, by just listing my school goals, but I did make them as specific as possible so I can tell if I am actually achieving them or not. Making general goals that you can't tell if you have reached or not, doesn't help you at all so try to make them as specific as possible.

Here are a few tips for setting goals for the school year.

  1. Write them down (of course!)
  2. Make them specific
  3. Set goals for school, but set goals for your life too (healthy eating, sports, etc)
  4. Don't make all of your goals really big (You have homework to do)

Now we will get into some layouts to organize your schedule. Let's make your life easier! :)

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

School Year at a Glance

With a layout like this, you can see exactly when you have a day off from school at a glance and you can see when school ends!

On this layout, I highlighted all of the days I have school. You might do color-coding so you can mark down the days you have important tests too.

Last year, I had one layout for the first semester and one layout for the second semester, but this year, I wanted to make things simpler, so I put them both on the same page. All I have to do is turn my bullet journal to the side, and I can see the whole school year at a glance. :)

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

Daily Routine

An easy way to be more productive is by creating a daily routine that you can follow. It stops you from being distracted because you do one thing in your daily routine after another. Of course, I don't follow this daily routine exactly every day, but it gives me a general guideline for what I want my day to look like. And yes, I do wake up at 5:30. :)

You can get started on creating your daily routine by reading How to Start a Daily Routine You Will Actually Stick To.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

My Weekly Schedule

Along with my daily routine, I also have a weekly schedule and you probably should too! Unless you have the same school classes every day and then you can just have a daily routine. This layout is one of my most helpful school layouts because I need to know when my classes are, but also because it helps me to stick to a routine.

I didn't write down what each box is, because I wanted this layout to look more minimalist, but here is a quick rundown of what each one means just in case you want to do something similar for your own schedule.

  1. Black Lines - My wake-up time and ideal bedtime (On the weekends I get to sleep in 😊)
  2. Black Outlined Boxes - Meals
  3. Blue Filled In Boxes - Classes and other things that have specific times
  4. Blue Outlined Boxes - Time that is not free time (Homework, etc.)

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students


Especially if you are doing school online this year, this will be a helpful spread to have. Nothing can be as annoying, as trying to sign in to a website, when you are rushed for time and you can't remember the password! Then the site makes you jump through hoops to create a new password, or to recover your old one!

Skip the hassle, by creating a layout for your passwords. Please note that I do not recommend doing this if you carry your bullet journal around with you. You don't want someone to have access to all of your passwords in one convenient spot!

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

Those are all of the bullet journal layouts I am currently using to be organized for school! A few other bullet journal layout ideas for students that you might want to try out are listed below.

  • A separate layout for each class with important class dates and other info (I did this last year)
  • Taking notes in your bullet journal
  • School studying routine or hours studied tracker
  • Note-taking tips + ideas

If you liked this post, you might also like these other posts about bullet journaling.

Thanks for reading! I hope you found these bullet journal layout ideas for students helpful!
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Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for Students

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