Guaranteed Ways to Quickly Improve Your Calligraphy + Hand Lettering
I'm sure you've seen them. Those absolutely gorgeous bullet journal layouts with exquisite calligraphy. I know I have. It can be easy to compare your own calligraphy, and think that you will never be able to write like they can. You are wrong there though because today, I will tell you how you can quickly improve your handwriting.

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Pretty soon, you'll have your gorgeous bullet journal layouts right alongside the ones you admired, and you'll be on your way to being a pro! Oh, you don't believe me?
Trust me, my calligraphy might not be the best, but I used to not even know how to do calligraphy... and my normal handwriting? Let's just say, it looked like chicken scratch. It was barely even readable, and sometimes it still isn't readable! 😂
When I started bullet journaling back in 2018, (I've come a long way since then) I saw tons of bullet journal layouts online that had absolutely amazing calligraphy on them, and you guessed it. I wanted to create calligraphy just like them!
In 2019, I made a calligraphy binder to help me practice my calligraphy. This helped me improve my calligraphy and hand lettering immensely.
Today, I want to share with you the simple ways I have improved my calligraphy and hand lettering. Plus, it's guaranteed! If I can use these tips to improve my calligraphy, and I have, then so can you!
Guaranteed Ways to Quickly Improve Your Calligraphy
First of all, as with most things that you learn, the supplies you use are important. Especially when you are getting started, if you use the wrong supplies, it might ruin your experience. Imagine, if you started training to run a marathon, but you bought the oldest cheapest shoes you could find at a thrift store, and you went the same route and bought uncomfortable itchy workout gear.
Surprise! Surprise! You probably aren't going to be running that marathon.
Now, this might be an extreme example, but I'm sure you get might my point. You are not very likely to be successful at reaching your goal of running a marathon if you don't have the correct supplies.
The same goes for learning how to create beautiful calligraphy. If you want to succeed, you need to have the right supplies. This does not mean you have to purchase the most expensive supplies on the market. Definitely not!
If you buy an expensive set of calligraphy pens and then you decide that you don't like hand lettering, it will be a complete waste of money. I'm all for saving a few bucks and I even have a post about 15 hacks for shopping online and in-store.
Plus, if you buy an expensive set of calligraphy pens, and you are a beginner, you might ruin them, and that would also be a waste of money.
If you decide you like calligraphy and you are into this hobby for the long run, then you can buy a nice set of calligraphy pens, but not before then.

Hand Lettering Supplies Recommendations
1. Tombow Fudesonuke Hard + Soft Tip Brush Pens
2. Sharpie Pen
3. Tombow Dual Brush Pens
4. Ecoline Brush Pens
Other Supplies
- A Pencil (always handy to have one lying around)
- An Eraser (to go along with the pencil of course!)
- Paper
- A Thick Piece of Cardstock (this is to put under the piece of paper you are writing on just in case any of the ink goes through the page)