How to Make Your Bullet Journal Layouts More Aesthetic

by - July 10, 2021

 We all want to make gorgeous bullet journal layouts. Sometimes though, it just seems like everything goes wrong and the layout turns out looking ugly. None of us want that! So whether you have zero design skills or you have horrible handwriting, today, I'm going to share with you simple ways you can make your bullet journal layouts more aesthetic! Gorgeous bullet journal layouts here we come!

How to Make Your Bullet Journal Layouts More Aesthetic

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Updated for 2024

I know the bullet journal system first and foremost is to help you be more productive, and it is amazing for doing that, but sometimes we just have extra time on our hands. And pretty bullet journal layouts can help motivate us to use our bullet journals, right?

So now we have the perfect excuse to go out and buy more stationery because it will help us to be more productive!

Even if you don't think you have design skills, or you think that you can't create layouts like mine, I'm here to tell you that you can. It just takes some practice, and these tips will help you. Let's jump right in!

Oh, but before we do that, if you haven't read my top tips and tricks for bullet journaling, you definitely should.

Don't know what bullet journal layouts to make? Here are 36 bullet journal layout ideas for when you are bored. Okay, now we will jump right into the ways to make your bullet journal layouts prettier!

How to Make Your Bullet Journal Layouts More Aesthetic

How to Make Your Bullet Journal Layouts More Aesthetic

1. Use a Ruler

Straight lines are a must, at least for me. Sometimes, I go with a more messy bullet journal style, and that can look cute too, as long as the lines are intentionally "crooked". If you are going for straight lines, then they should be STRAIGHT.

Straight lines are a must because it makes your layout look cleaner, and thereby more aesthetic.

If you just can't stand using a ruler, or you don't even have a ruler in your bullet journal supplies stash, then Amanda Rach Lee has a helpful video you can watch with bullet journal hacks. One of them is how to draw straight lines without a ruler.

But you know, if you aren't great at drawing lines, you can always just have a ruler in your stash.

2. Use the Washi Tape Colors

No, this isn't a tip telling you to use washi tape and stickers on your layouts to make them more aesthetic, though you can do that if you want.

You might not know anything about how to mix colors and color psychology, but washi tape designers (How fun would that job be???) probably would. I mean they have to be able to create cute washi tapes, and they are pretty cute. Am I right?

So... you can take their knowledge of colors and apply it to your layouts. The next time you create a layout, you can grab your washi tape, pick one washi tape you like, and then find markers or pens of the same colors and use them on your layouts.

You don't even have to use the washi tape on the layout, but if you do, it will look pretty aesthetic because it will all be matching!

You can do the same with stickers as well! :)

3. Go Minimalist

Sometimes adding a lot of different colors to your bullet journal layout, can make your layout look very cluttered. Okay, the easiest way to cut back is to go all the way. Enter minimalist bullet journal layouts.

This is easy peasy!

You only have to use black pens on your bullet journal layouts from now on. After you have gotten the hang of creating beautiful minimalist bullet journal layouts, you can start adding the colors back in.

How to Make Your Bullet Journal Layouts More Aesthetic

4. Use Pastels

So you don't want to go all the way minimalist because you like having color in your layouts. I don't blame you!

Black and white bullet journal layouts can become a little boring after a while. Using pastel markers, you can create beautiful bullet journal layouts.

I mostly stick to pastel colors in my bullet journal.

You can also try sticking to one color. For example, if you pick blue, you could use all shades of blue in your bullet journal.

Try making a bullet journal layout only using different shades of the same color and see how it turns out!

5. Stick to Two Colors

This is one of my favorite ways to create bullet journal layouts that are beautiful. If you only use black and one other color on your layout, the colors never clash, so you have a better chance of creating a Pinterest-worthy bullet journal layout.

If you look at many of the bullet journal layouts on my blog, you will see that I do this in almost every one of my layouts.

Of course, one of your colors doesn't need to be black, but it is easier if you do use black as one of your colors.

6. Learn to Layer

Maybe you think you can't draw, and you wouldn't consider your lettering to be very good. You might just be doubting your abilities, but if you want to create aesthetic layouts using washi tape, stickers, and images you print off the internet, then you should learn to layer.

It's not very hard.

All you have to do is arrange your washi tape, stickers, and images, on your page. Have these elements overlap each other in varying degrees so it doesn't look too uniform. It's best to go with an odd number of elements so it doesn't look too matchy-matchy. If your bullet journal layout is too matchy-matchy it will be boring and we don't want that!

Just by sticking two overlapping pieces of washi tape in the corner of your layout can make your layout look prettier!

How to Make Your Bullet Journal Layouts More Aesthetic

7. Use Pencil First

Okay, okay! I hear you. If you don't have very good design skills, how will using a pencil first make your bullet journal layouts prettier?

It will eliminate mistakes. Not that I am saying mistakes will make your bullet journal layouts uglier. Sometimes a bullet journal mistake leads to a new creative style and that's great! But for the most part, you want to eliminate those small mistakes, especially those ones you make in your lettering.

Yeah, I'm talking about when your weekly layout has "Fryday" on it instead of "Friday" because you were hungry and you wanted to finish your layout quickly! 😂

Plus if you use a pencil first, then you can decide how you want the entire layout to look, and so it will be more aesthetically pleasing.

8. Improve Your Calligraphy

Improving my calligraphy was one of the best things I could have done to make my bullet journal layouts prettier.

You don't have to buy fancy calligraphy pens! Sometimes I do calligraphy with my regular Sharpie pen. You could even do your calligraphy with a pencil!

I even have a whole post on guaranteed ways you can quickly improve your calligraphy and hand lettering, which will tell you everything you need to know to start calligraphy. Doing calligraphy and hand lettering is also very fun! What's not to love?

9. Use a Max of Three Fonts

Before you go crazy learning new fonts, here is another helpful tip. Only use a max of three fonts if you want to make your bullet journal look prettier. More than three fonts and your bullet journal layout will probably look slightly cluttered, and all over the place.

In fact, I will let you in on a little secret. In my current bullet journal, I have only used three fonts in total. I have a lowercase font, an all capital letters font, and a calligraphy font. I just change up the styles (ombre, backlit, drop shadow, etc) and colors!

10. Learn to Doodle

Your doodles don't need to be intricate. In fact, it's always good to ere on the side of caution when adding decorations to your bullet journal layouts. Less is more!

Start out with simple doodles, and then when you become more confident in your abilities, you can create more intricate drawings.

11. Use Scrapbook Paper

Going along with #6 and using washi tape, stickers, and images you print out and glue onto your layout, you can also use scrapbook paper.

I'm a big fan of printing out pages of sheets with words, and then "ripping" it before gluing it onto my layout so it gives my layout a scrapbook look.

The nice thing about using scrapbook paper is that it is very easy. Just rip up some paper and glue it on.

How to Make Your Bullet Journal Layouts More Aesthetic

How to Make Your Bullet Journal Layouts More Aesthetic

Those are the ways I came up with to make your bullet journal layouts more aesthetic! I hope you found this post helpful. Just some real talk right here. It doesn't matter if your bullet journal is pretty. It doesn't matter.

Your bullet journal could be the ugliest in the world, but as long as it works for you, then you don't need to change a thing. All these tips are just for the people who like to use their bullet journal as a creative outlet as well as a productivity system.

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Have a productive week! What are your favorite ways to decorate your bullet journal layouts?
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How to Make Your Bullet Journal Layouts More Aesthetic

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