How to Make a Vision Board to Help You Reach Your Goals

by - May 11, 2019
Some people think vision boards are a waste of time, and some people think that vision boards are key to reaching goals and manifesting their dreams. I'm not big on manifestation, so you won't see me talking about that here, but I'm a big believer in having a vision for what you want your future life to be like. Plus, when you have your vision somewhere you can see it daily, it's much more likely to happen. Let's make it happen!

How to Make a Vision Board + How It Will Help You Reach Your Goals

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Updated for 2024

How to Make a Vision Board + How It Will Help You Reach Your Goals

There's an old adage that says, "fail to plan, plan to fail." That quote is attributed to Benjamin Franklin. I think we can all take a page out of his book by doing some planning for our futures.

You are probably thinking that I should have posted this at the beginning of the year (I'm posting this in May lol) because that is when everyone is creating their vision boards and making their goals for the year to come. Am I right?

But why?

You should always be creating new goals, planning for new dreams, and creating the life you want to live.

So why would you want to only create a vision board at the start of the year when you can constantly change your vision board to reflect what you are trying to achieve?

Today, we'll be jumping into everything you could want to know about making a vision board!

What is a Vision Board?

Of course, we need to start at the beginning. You may have just stumbled on this post, and not even know what a vision board is.

But a vision board is pretty self-explanatory. It's a board that shows you what you visualize your life to look like in the next few months to the next few years.

It's a representation of what you want your life to be!

Vision boards often contain pictures, stickers, and mantras. To sum it up, vision boards are fun to make and pretty decor items!

The Benefits of Making a Vision Board

You might be thinking, "okay, great, but how will putting a few stickers and pictures on a board actually help me?"

So, for the vision board nay sayers, below are a few of the reasons why you should make a vision board.

  1. Vision boards are a visual representation of your goals. Your vision board will remind you of your goals every time you see it, which is hopefully often!
  2. Creating a vision board will help you put into "words" what you want out of life. It will help you find what direction you want to go.
  3. Your vision board will remind you what is important to you, and what matters.
  4. Your vision board will act as a source of inspiration when you are feeling stuck in life.
  5. If you have a 5-year or 10-year vision board, it will direct you as you set your goals for the year.

Those are five great reasons to create a vision board, and if you aren't convinced yet, then sorry, I can't help you.

When you have a vision board, it will help you to know what you want to achieve next, or to inspire you to finish the goal that you are working on now.

So many people think that as long as they are setting goals then they are going to be able to complete them. 

But what motivates them to finish their goals?

Your vision board doesn't have to be big. It will still motivate you to keep on going. I used to keep my vision board in my planner, and I loved flipping through my planner to go to that page to add a sticker, or to add a new dream to it.

Let's get right into how you can make a vision board step-by-step!

How to Make a Vision Board + How It Will Help You Reach Your Goals

How to Make a Vision Board Step-by-Step

1. Gather Supplies + Decide on a Medium

First things first, you need to decide whether you want to make a digital vision board or a paper vision. I've made both, but making vision boards on paper are more fun!

You can always make a digital vision board if you aren't that creative or feel more comfortable with digital, and then print it out later.

Canva is my one stop shop for everything digital design! Give it a go if you want to make a digital vision board. They have tons of templates, so you are sure to find something you like!

Just looking at the vision board templates makes me want to create a new digital vision board!

Ok, now it's time to talk about making a paper vision board. You'll want to gather all of your supplies. I recommend grabbing the following things.

  • Pen + pencil
  • Big piece of cardstock or cardboard
  • Laptop + printer
  • Stickers
  • Markers
  • Washi Tape
  • Glitter glue (I sprinkled some of this on the last vision board I made!)

You can also make your vision board in a planner or bullet journal. After you have all of your supplies, it's time to get started!

2. Find Inspiration

It's always a good idea to get a little bit of inspiration before starting on a new creative project. I don't have much to say about this, except for that Pinterest is a great source. (Give me a follow while you are there!)

And you can always get inspiration from the pictures in this post! 😊

I know I've mentioned this technique before (sorry, long-time readers!), but I also like looking at the fonts on Creative Market because they have so many pretty ones!

Just type the text you want to write into the preview text box, and then you can write it on your paper in the font.

For the paper vision board I created shown in the images, I used Maison de fleur by Peach Creme. It's a gorgeous font, by the way!

3. Find + Print Out Pictures

Now, it's time to find pictures! I generally just use my own pictures, and various pictures I find on the internet. If your vision board is for personal use, it should be fine. Don't quote me on that though. I'm not a lawyer.

If you can get your hands on actual print magazines, good for you!

Otherwise, I generally print out my images in black and white because I think it's more aesthetic, and it's more likely to fit my color scheme.

Speaking of color scheme, let's talk about it.

4. Pick a Color Scheme + Fonts

You might want to create a vision board that looks like mine, so let me give you a few design tips for an aesthetic vision board!

  1. Pick two fonts (Creative Market is great for this!)
    1. One cursive
    2. One Serif, San Serif, or non-cursive handwriting
  2. For a color scheme, I generally like to use black and one other color, but you can use up to three colors, and still get a pretty aesthetic looking vision board.
    1. Pastels are a great option!
    2. You can also try neutrals.
    3. Or opt for the same color, but in different shades.

My vision board might not be your style, so try out whatever you want, and remember to have fun!

5. Decide What Things to Include on Your Vision Board

Should I have mentioned this before telling you to print out pictures? Probably, but it's better late than never, so here we are.

I have made a very handy list of questions that you can ask yourself. They are listed in the next section. You may want to include "things" in the following categories.

  • Personal Development
  • Career/Education
  • Religion
  • Family/Friends/Relationships
  • Health
  • Hobbies
  • Inspirational Quote
  • Life Mantra

Now, it's time to put it all together!

6. Getting Things on the Page

I like to start my vision boards by placing all the images on the board and rearranging them until I find a cohesive look that I like.

Then I start gluing down each picture and adding decorative elements around it.

After that, I write down all of the categories, quotes, etc.

And then, I add the finishing details, which might be a piece of washi tape, or a sticker to tie everything together!

It'll probably take you a few sittings to finish up the whole thing! But after it is finish, decide where you are going to hang it up so you can see it every day.

The vision board that I just barely made, I'm going to hang up on my wall in my college dorm once I get back to school!

How to Make a Vision Board + How It Will Help You Reach Your Goals

Things to Put on a Vision Board

Vision boards often contain goals, but they may be broader, undefined goals, especially if it is a 10-year vision board. Who knows what might happen in the next 10 years?

I don't like making my vision boards that specific. I like my vision boards to be broad because they are just a general guideline of how I want my life to be going, and then I set very specific goals each year to help me stick to the path that's shown on my vision board.

Below are areas of your life, you may want to address on your vision board. Under each category there are questions to help you come up with ideas of things to add to your vision board.

Think of these questions in terms of the timeline of your vision board. If you are doing a five-year vision board, you would ask yourself, "What will my perfect morning routine look like in five years?

General/Personal Development

  • What your current life is like versus what you would like it to be like.
  • What is your perfect morning routine?
  • What is your perfect evening routine?
  • What makes you feel successful in life?
  • What is a quote that makes you feel inspired?
  • What is your life mantra?
  • Where are you living?
  • What does your house look like?
  • What type of car do you own?
  • Do you have any pets?
  • What goals have you already reached?
  • What style of clothing do you wear?
  • What do you look like?
  • What habits do you have?
  • What new qualities do you have?
  • How do you learn?
  • How many books have you read?
  • What awards have you achieved?
  • What new skills do you have?


  • What is your dream career like?
  • What is your desired salary?
  • Are you going to college?
  • Are you going to graduate from college?
  • What college are you attending?
  • What is your college major?
  • Have you done any certifications?
  • Have you taken any courses?
  • What does your office look like?
  • What does your job location look like?
  • What company do your work for?
  • Are you going to start your own business?
  • What do you do day-to-day at work?
  • Do you want to be at this job in 5 years? 10 years?
  • Are you in debt?
  • How much money do you have saved?


  • What's your favorite scripture?
  • What helps you connect with God?
  • How can you have a closer relationship with God?
  • What are you doing daily that brings you closer to God?
  • Do you do service? What kinds?
  • What church do you attend?
  • How often do you go to church?
  • What brings you peace and hope?


  • Are you married?
  • What is your relationship like with your spouse?
  • Do you have children? How many?
  • How often do you see friends?
  • What friends are in your life?
  • How close do you live to your family?
  • What activities do you participate in with friends?
  • What activities do you participate in with family?


  • How often do you exercise?
  • What is the state of your health?
  • What types of activities do you like to do?
  • Have you reached any new health achievements? (Pounds lost, ran a marathon, habit of exercise, etc.)
  • What foods do you eat?
  • Are you on a diet?
  • What is a healthy lifestyle for you?
  • How much technology do you consume on a regular basis?


  • How many places are you going to travel to?
  • What new hobbies have you picked up?
  • What old hobbies do you still make time for?
  • How often do you go outside?
  • What new things have you tried?

Should I Only Have One Vision Board?

Nope! You can have as many as you need. Say for instance if a project is big, then you could have a separate vision board just for that project. 

I made a new vision board just last week because it is a bigger one to go on my desk and it looks pretty cute and minimalist at the same time, so it works as a piece of decor.

If you need more than one vision board around your house, to remind you of your goals, then go for it. :)

My goals are always changing, and if I just had one vision board, then it wouldn't work.

Below are some ideas on different vision boards you can try making.

  • A yearly vision board
    • Divided into quarters helps you to be more productive!
    • Divided into months, so you know which goals you want to complete when
  • A quarterly vision board
    • If you have a lot to do, or your business sets quarterly goals, then this might be perfect for you.
  • A monthly vision board
    • If you are extremely busy and you love being artistic, then you might want to try one of these because you get to make a new one each month.
    • Try adding a different theme to each vision board!
    • If your goals are mostly short-term goals, or if they are constantly changing then this might just be the vision board for you.
  • A lifetime vision board
    • Think about everything you want to achieve in your life, and then add it to this board.
    • Remember to add some inspiration too!
    • Perfect for if you have a lot of long-term goals
  • A project vision board
    • A project vision board can help to break down a big task into smaller pieces.
    • For instance, if you were going to start a business, you might make a vision board just for your business with all of your hopes and goals for your business.

You could even take a picture of your vision board or to scan it, and then upload it as your laptop or phone background, so every time you turn on your laptop or phone you see it.

How I Set Up My Vision Boards

I want to give you a quick overview of how I set up my vision boards to help you gain some inspiration for your own. You can see a picture of my most recent vision board below!

This vision board is my five-year plan.

I have a section for my career (writing), religion, travel (I want to do a study abroad for school), family, health (dance + running), and other (dogs + hobbies).

I went with a black and white theme and added stickers with gold foil for accents. If you have any questions about creating a vision board, just let me know!

How to Make a Vision Board + How It Will Help You Reach Your Goals

How to Make a Vision Board to Help You Reach Your Goals

A vision board will motivate you to reach your goals. Without a vision board, it is harder to find the motivation to reach them... or remember them. Go grab those stickers and get your hands dirty! Or should I say sticky?

Anyway, grab your washi tape, stickers, and glue, and create a vision board that encompasses your dreams!

If you liked this post, then you might just love these ones!

Good luck with reaching your goals this year!
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How to Make a Vision Board + How It Will Help You Reach Your Goals

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