I am super excited to be writing this post! When I started my blog at the beginning of last year, I never would have imagined that it would be what it is today.

Side Note - This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you buy something from one of these links, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. For more information, you can read my privacy policy. Thank you for supporting my blog. :)
Updated for 2024 - I'm leaving this post up, so people can see that not all blogs grow quickly. I now make money every day with my blog, and it has reached well over a million views!
1 Year of Blogging (Statistics + My Journey)
This is going to be a long post, so sit down somewhere comfy and get ready to read!
Blogging is an ever-changing journey, and it does go slowly at times, but that is when you have to remember why you are blogging in the first place.
Are you blogging because you love writing and connecting with other like-minded people... or is it because you want to see how much money and followers you are earning?
How it All Started (A Timeline)
First, I wanted to give you some background on how this blog started, with a timeline.February 24, 2018, I started a blog called Dancer's Dream Design (I change my blog's name later to Productive Pixie) and published my first post, which has now been deleted.
Why was my first post deleted?
When I first made this blog, it was to promote a fitness and bullet journaling store on Zazzle. Now I have taken this blog in a new direction.
NOTE - I didn't start tracking my blog growth until August of 2018 when I started turning this blog into an actual blog and not just a promotion site and so the only reason I know when I started this blog is from that first blog post.
August 2018
15 Subscribers41 Pinterest Followers
September 2018
39 Subscribers49 Pinterest Followers
September 23, 2018 - 10,000 total blog pageviews!
October 2018
65 Subscribers69 Pinterest Followers
October 18, 2018 - 50 blog subscribers!
October 24, 2018 - My first guest post was accepted. :)
November 2018
74 Subscribers82 Pinterest Followers
November 18, 2018 - I change my blog name to Productive Pixie!
November 24, 2018 - My first guest blog post was published, and I have a guest post published on my site too!!!
Recommended - How to Plan for the Little Things While Getting the Big Things Done (Guest Post)
Recommended - How to Find the Organization/Planning System for Your Lifestyle (My Guest Post!)
December 2018
This month, I slacked off on posting to take a little break, so I didn't track how many subscribers or Pinterest followers I had.So, let's fast forward to February because I am sure that you will get tired of seeing all of these blog statistics.
February 2019
I now have over 100 Pinterest Followers and over 100 Subscribers.My Goals for Blogging
This year, I have so many goals for my blog, but I am going to remember that it is okay to not reach all of my goals. There is always the year afterward too!
- 300 Subscribers
- 150 Pinterest Followers
- Work With a Brand
- Guest Post on at Least two More Blogs
- Reach 100,000 Total Pageviews
- Sell 10 Items From my Shop (Now Closed)
- 150 Blog Comments (Leave a comment below to help me reach this goal 😊)
These are just a few of my goals, and I hope that you will help me to reach them.
I haven't actually monetized this blog yet. You always see those pins on Pinterest that say, "How I earned $300 dollars my first-month blogging", but that isn't why I am blogging. I blog because I want to share what I know with others.
I might start monetizing my blog this year though.
What I Have Learned from Blogging
I have learned so much from blogging, that I don't even know where to start. I have learned how to correctly use SEO, how to design pins for Pinterest, how to take blog photos, set up email sequences, and so much more.
If you have a question about blogging, then leave a comment below.
Blogging is so much more than just writing the post and hitting publish. After you hit publish, then you have to start promoting, promoting, promoting.
Blogging is hard work, but it has been a great experience, and I can't wait to see what next year will be like! :) Thanks for sticking with me and reading this post.
I would love to hear what you think about blogging in the comments below!

Please pin this post so others can read it too. :)

February 23, 2019