Rose Gold Recollections Binder Planner Flip Through

by - August 18, 2018
Do you want to see what the inside of my planner looks like?

Rose Gold Recollections Binder Planner Flip Thru

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Updated for 2024

Rose Gold Recollections Binder Planner Flip Through

Scroll to the bottom to watch the video.

I liked the idea of combining a bullet journal and a planner, so I came up with the idea of a printer planner.

How this idea works is that you create all of your own pages online. 

I use Canva, which has a free version.

Later I will do a how-to post so you can get started creating your own planner pages.

I am super excited to tell you about all of the pages in my planner, so let's get started!

If you are interested in buying the planner I use (And love! 😊), you can find the planner here.

First up in my planner is the dashboard. It has a pink watercolor divider behind it. 

After that is all of my overview pages and important pages.
  • 2018 Year at a Glance
  • 2019 Year at a Glance
  • Important Dates
  • And Notes
The next section is my personal calendar.

I have monthly and weekly layouts.

Each monthly section has a habit tracker and a blank page for doodling notes.

The weekly layouts are each two pages.

My Boss Girl Blog section is next! I just love the divider I added for that one!

I have a two-page editorial calendar for each month and a page of blog post ideas. (For a more in-depth look at them, watch the video below.)

I haven't added my fashion section yet, but I have a few ideas for it.

A goal section is definitely a must-have in your planner to get anything done. Mine isn't done yet, so I am probably going to have another post so you can see it.

My other section is after that, and this is where the fun begins.

In this section, I have everything from my favorite websites to all of my passwords.
  • Books to Read
  • Weekly Schedule
  • Morning + Night Routines
  • Passwords
  • Favorite Websites
  • Wishlist (You got to have this one!)
Watch the video below to see the entire planner flip-through.

Rose Gold Recollections Binder Planner Flip Through

To see my review of the Rose Gold Recollections Planner, you can go here. Another post will be coming out soon with the rest of my planner!

If you liked this post, you'll like these ones too!

Until then, happy planning!
Thank you so much for sharing this. :)

Rose Gold Recollections Binder Planner Flip Thru

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