How to Plan Your Capsule Wardrobe in a Bullet Journal
Starting a capsule wardrobe can help you be more organized, and it will help you make the most of your wardrobe. An easy way to start your capsule wardrobe is to plan it out in a bullet journal. If you don't have a bullet journal, no worries. You can either start a bullet journal by going here or you can pull out a notebook, your planner, or even just a few sheets of blank paper.

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Updated for 2024
Why Should You Start a Capsule Wardrobe?
First things first, what is a capsule wardrobe, and should you start one? A capsule wardrobe is a wardrobe that contains items you love and wear. Every piece in your capsule wardrobe fits well, and you wear it regularly.A capsule wardrobe may be more expensive than a regular wardrobe because the items in a capsule wardrobe usually cost more. In the long run, it is cheaper though because the items in your capsule wardrobe will be used more. Some of the benefits of a capsule wardrobe are listed below.
- Pieces in your wardrobe are easy to mix and match.
- You get your money's worth because you actually wear all of the items in your wardrobe.
- You never have to complain about having nothing to wear.
- You don't need to go shopping as often and you can avoid impulse buying.
- All of the items in your wardrobe are comfortable and you enjoy wearing them.
I could go on, but I am sure you are probably starting to see why I like having a capsule wardrobe, and you might already know what a capsule wardrobe is because you clicked on this post in the first place. If you want to know more about the basics of starting a capsule wardrobe, you can read Capsule Wardrobe 101. Let's get right into how to plan your capsule wardrobe in a bullet journal!

How to Plan Your Capsule Wardrobe in a Bullet Journal
I also have an older post about using a capsule wardrobe with a bullet journal, which you can check out if you want to see how I have implemented my capsule wardrobe in my first bullet journal, and in my old planner.
That post said how I was implementing my capsule wardrobe, and not how you could plan your capsule wardrobe, so I decided to write this post to give you a step-by-step guide on planning your capsule wardrobe in your bullet journal. In the picture above, you can see what my capsule wardrobe bullet journal layout looks like so far.
Picking the Colors + Patterns for Your Capsule Wardrobe
Picking Your Colors
The first step to creating a capsule wardrobe is to pick a neutral base color and up to six secondary colors for your wardrobe.
My neutral color is black and the secondary colors I wear are pink, red, blue, and white. I wear two shades of blue and two shades of pink, but I only added one shade of each of these on this layout. If you have already started your capsule wardrobe, and you just want to make a bullet journal layout for it, so you can keep track of everything in your wardrobe, then you can move on to the next section.
On the other hand, if you are just starting your capsule wardrobe, then I recommend reading my full post on picking colors for your capsule wardrobe because I have a bunch of tips and questions you can answer to help you decide what your colors are.
After picking your colors, you can either write them down on your paper, or you can use markers like I did.
Picking Patterns for Your Wardrobe
Along with picking the colors for your capsule wardrobe, you will also want to pick a few prints for your wardrobe. Wearing only certain prints will make it easier for you to mix and match the pieces in your wardrobe. I wear floral, dots, stripes (a lot!), and gingham.
I didn't add the patterns I wear to this layout, but you may choose to write down the patterns you wear.

If you are starting your first capsule wardrobe, it may also be helpful to read How to Define Your Personal Style. This post will help you decide what style of clothing you like to wear. Whatever words you come up with, you can add to this layout.
Making Your Capsule Wardrobe
Now it is time to make your actual capsule wardrobe. Not all of the items in your closet need to be in your capsule wardrobe. I don't include fitness clothing, some formal clothing, and clothing for weekends at home, in my wardrobe.
In your capsule wardrobe, you want to include your regular wardrobe and nothing else. It doesn't make sense to have fitness clothing in your capsule wardrobe unless fitness clothing is what you usually wear. That is why I don't include some of my casual clothing because I only wear them on the weekends.
Go through all of your clothing and decide which pieces you like and will actually wear. You can use the post 8 Tips You Need for Spring Cleaning Your Wardrobe to help you. After you have decided which pieces to include in your capsule wardrobe, you can add sections to your bullet journal layout. The ones I have on my bullet journal layout are...
- Tops
- Bottoms
- Jackets
- Shoes
- Dresses
- Accessories
If you don't regularly wear dresses, then don't add dresses to your list. The same goes for anything else. If you want to wear dresses more though, then add it to your list. Now write down all of the pieces in your capsule wardrobe.
The Number of Pieces in Your Wardrobe
Some people choose to have a set number of items in their wardrobe so if you decide to have 40 items in your capsule wardrobe, then you may want to put a number next to each heading on your layout (shoes 10, tops 20, etc.).
I don't have a set number of items in my capsule wardrobe because I don't want to limit the size of my wardrobe. If you have a problem with impulse shopping, then you may want to limit the size of your capsule wardrobe.

After you have finished your layout. It may look entirely different from mine and that is fine! You should have a better idea of what is in your capsule wardrobe after making a bullet journal layout for it and it will help you to see what items you should buy.
Your capsule wardrobe isn't going to come together in one day, so don't expect it to. If you decide to build your capsule wardrobe in one day, then you will end up buying pieces that you don't really like. Take your time and you will like your capsule wardrobe more!
If you liked this post, you can read these ones too!
- 8 Tips You Need for Spring Cleaning Your Wardrobe
- The Place to Find Affordable Formal Dresses
- How to Create a Color Palette for Your Wardrobe
- How to Easily Define Your Personal Style
I hope this post helped you plan out your capsule wardrobe. :)

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