11 Useful Bullet Journal Layouts to Skyrocket Your Happiness
A bullet journal is an amazing tool because it can be used to improve almost every aspect of your life. From organizing to breaking bad habits bullet journaling can help in dare I say, "every instance". But honestly, bullet journaling can change your life for the better, and that includes improving your mood! If you want to use your bullet journal to increase your happiness then here are a number of layouts you can make to do just that. Who doesn't want a little bit more happiness in their life?

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Updated for 2024
Please also note that I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. If you suffer from depression or another mental health disorder, please contact a specialist. I hope you feel better soon!
It can be easy to get caught up in using your bullet journal to tackle your to-do list daily. If you only use your bullet journal for your to-do lists though, you are definitely missing out because bullet journaling has sooo much more to offer.
I'm a big fan of using trackers and collections in my bullet journal. Probably too much of a fan lol, but anyway there are plenty of bullet journal spreads out there to help you improve your mental health.
There will also be some bullet journal layouts for self-care in this article because self-care can be great for improving your mood! Self-care should never be put on your back burner. Keep it on your to-do list! Let's dive right into the bullet journal layouts you can use to skyrocket your happiness!
11 Useful Bullet Journal Layouts to Skyrocket Your Happiness
1. Mood Tracker

2. Gratitude Layout
3. 31 Day Happiness + Productivity Challenge
4. Self-Care Ideas

5. Exercise + Food Tracker
- How to Find Time to Exercise More + Stay Motivated
- Food Tracking in My Bullet Journal
- Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal
6. Level 10 Life
7. Highlights of the Year

8. 21-Day Complaint Free World Challenge
- You have a piece of jewelry that you can switch from hand to hand or from wrist to wrist. (There are purple bracelets you can buy for this challenge if you are interested.)
- You go 21 days in a row without...
- Complaining
- Criticizing
- Gossiping
- EVERY time you do one of those three things, you have to switch the item of jewelry to the opposite side and start the challenge over again.
9. About Me
10. Affirmations Bullet Journal Layout
- My past experiences don't define me.
- Every day is a new beginning.
- I am smart and talented.
- Today is going to be a good day.
11. Journaling About Your Day

11 Useful Bullet Journal Layouts to Skyrocket Your Happiness
- Is Bullet Journaling a Complete Waste of Time?
- How to Use Watercolors in Your Bullet Journal
- The Ultimate List of Bullet Journal Blogs for Inspiration
- 10 Layouts That Will Instantly Help You to be More Organized