12 Fun + Productive Things to do Online Right Now

by - October 23, 2021

 Phones are very convenient, and you probably bring yours almost everywhere. Whenever you have a few extra minutes of free time you probably pull your phone out and scroll on social media... again. You don't have anything better to do with your time, right? Nope, there are plenty of fun and productive things to do online right now, and I'll be sharing them today in this article.

12 Productive + Fun Things to do Online Right Now

Side Note - This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you buy something from one of these links, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. For more information, you can read my privacy policy. Thank you for supporting my blog. :)

Updated for 2024

Do you have trouble being productive while on your phone, laptop, or even your smartwatch? I already have an entire article written on how to increase your productivity when you are online. AKA if you don't want to get distracted the next time you are working on something, this is the post for you to read.

This post though is not going to cover how you can be more productive online. Instead, this post is going to provide you with a bunch of fun and productive things you can do online when you have free time and you don't have anything else to do.

You might even be reading this post for that very reason. 😂

Just as a quick side note, some of these ideas may not be very "fun", but I wanted to include them on this list as well because they are things you can do to be productive online. Who knows? You might find sifting through and organizing old photos on your device to be fun!

Here are twelve fun and productive things you can do online right now!

Fun + Productive Things to do Online Right Now

1. Take a Free Course

Courses hold a wealth of information... and you don't have to pay either. There are tons of free courses online to take covering a variety of subjects so you are sure to find something that will pique your interest.

Here are a few places you can find online courses for free.

Currently, I'm really enjoying taking courses on EDX, but in the past, I took the Google Digital Garage certification (so I could be certified in the fundamentals of digital marketing), and I just barely completed a course on Alison that I enjoyed as well.

Try them all out and see which platform you like best!

12 Productive + Fun Things to do Online Right Now

2. Listen to a Podcast

Podcasts are wonderful because you can do other tasks while you listen! I'm a big fan of listening to podcasts while I'm out running. Here are a few of my current favorite personal development podcasts.

  • Design Your Dream Life With Natalie Bacon
  • Where There's Smoke
  • Before Breakfast

All of these podcasts are wonderful for personal development so check them out if you are interested!

3. Watch a TED Talk

There are tons of TED Talks and new ones are published almost daily on the TED Talk website. Talks are on average only seventeen minutes long, so if you have time to scroll on social media, why not watch a TED Talk and get inspired instead?

I have been creating the habit of watching a new TED Talk every day, and it's one way I have been finding inspiration daily. Plus, when you use the TED Talk website, new videos are recommended based on what you've already watched. Basically, it's the YouTube of TED Talks!

4. Start a Blog

What can I say? I am a little biased. I love blogging! If you enjoy writing, this might be a new hobby (or business!) for you to pick up. Blogging takes a lot of work, but it is worth it. I currently make money blogging seven days a week, even if I don't work on my blog for a day or two so it is a passive income source. A big thank you to you for making this possible!

If you want to get a better idea of what blogging takes, you can read some of the below posts on my blogging journey from the very beginning.

If you want to start a blog, there are tons of articles out there on the internet on how to start a blog, so I haven't written one myself. If you would like my tips for blogging, you can contact me via social media or my contact page, and I would be happy to send you some tips! :)

12 Productive + Fun Things to do Online Right Now

5. Organize Your Device's Files

Not going to lie... this one might not be that fun unless you like to have things organized. Sometimes, I really enjoy organizing things so it can be fun or it can be a chore.

This is a great task to add to your monthly or weekly to-do list because it is sooo much easier to find a file if your entire device is organized!

6. Go Through Your Pinterest Boards or Your Bookmarked Sites

A more enjoyable version of organizing your device is going through your Pinterest boards or your bookmarked sites. How many times do you actually go through all of the inspirational pins you pin on Pinterest?

Not often, I'm guessing! Now's the time to actually do those things that you have saved! Read those personal development articles, do those crafts, and print out those recipes so you can actually make them.

7. Learn a New Language

Have a few minutes of time? Why not work on learning a new language. I'm a fan of using Duolingo because there is a free version, and it is very easy to use.

You most likely won't be able to become fluent in another language using only Duolingo, but it is a wonderful resource to start with. Right now, I'm learning French!

8. Take Surveys

Want to earn some extra money in your spare time? Me too! 😂

In the past, I have earned more than just a couple hundred dollars with Swagbucks and MyPoints. (Please note that both of these links are affiliate links, so I will earn points if you sign up through my links at no cost to you.)

It's free to join both of these sites, and then you can make money by taking surveys, playing games, watching advertisements, and getting cash back on purchases.

12 Productive + Fun Things to do Online Right Now

9. Shop Online

Planned purchases are always better than impulse purchases, so if you need to buy something, and you haven't bought it before, it's a good idea to search online and read some reviews before you decide to buy it. This way, you can make better-informed shopping decisions.

If you want to save money and time, here are fifteen tips you can use to save time and money when shopping.

Christmas shopping while sitting next to a cozy fire and drinking hot chocolate, anyone?

10. Read an E-Book

I'm a big fan of paper books, but e-books are definitely more convenient because you can access so many books right from your phone!

I haven't found a great place for finding free e-books yet (I'm all about getting a great deal lol), but if you know of one, make sure you leave a comment down below. I would love to know where you find your e-books!

11. Bullet Journal or Planner

I'll be totally honest here. I have been bullet journaling or using a planner for many years, and I have never tried a digital bullet journal or planner. I've always preferred using paper, but a digital bullet journal might be the planning system that you never knew you needed until now!

A digital planning system has tons of perks such as always being able to erase mistakes, never running out of room in your bullet journal, and being able to store your bullet journal in your pocket.

12. Do a YouTube Workout

This one might not belong on this list because you can't technically do it anywhere with just a digital device, but I thought I'd include it anyway. Who knows? Maybe I'll see you doing a quick yoga pose while waiting in line at the grocery store lol.

Anyway, you should back up from your screen, and do a quick workout every once in a while. Here are a few of the YouTubers whose workouts I like to follow along to.

Some of these workouts are ten minutes or even shorter, so if you are looking for a quick workout then these ones are great!

12 Productive + Fun Things to do Online Right Now

Fun +Productive Things to do Online Right Now

The next time you feel like binge-watching YouTube videos or scrolling on social media, try doing one of these twelve fun and productive activities instead. Remember to unplug, and take some time away from your devices too. :)

Read these other productivity posts if you have a few minutes!

Thank you so much for reading this post! If you enjoyed it, please share it or leave a comment below!Signature
Don't have time to read the whole thing? Pin it and come back later!

12 Productive + Fun Things to do Online Right Now

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