4 Things That Make Your Outfit Look Less Stylish

by - April 06, 2019
You see tons of posts on Pinterest about how to make your outfit look more stylish, but what about the pieces that you are accidentally wearing that bring your outfit down?

4 Things That Make Your Outfit Look Less Stylish

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Updated for 2024

Of course, there are exceptions to the items in this post, and please keep in mind that these are just my opinions.

Originally, this post was going to be a list of ways to look more stylish, but then I realized that most people don't think about the items not to wear, and they focus on the must-have items which everyone one is wearing.

So today I have a list of items which I think that you should leave out of your everyday wardrobe to make your outfit look more stylish.

4 Things That Make Your Outfit Look Less Stylish

1. Clothes That Don't Fit Well

Okay. I think that this one is pretty obvious. If it doesn't fit, put back in your drawer for another day. You can always give it away to a charity too. 

If you have a lot of clothes in your drawers that don't fit, have a look at the How to Unclutter Your Wardrobe + 3 Day Challenge post which will give you the exact steps you can take to get rid of the items in your closet that you don't need.

2. Clothes That are Holey or Stained

If you have clothes that are holey or stained that aren't supposed to be holey or stained, then now is the time to get rid of them. I will talk about the clothes that are supposed to be holey or stained in just a second. :)

Yes. I know that it is a trend right now to wear holey and or stained clothes, but in ten years from now will you still be comfortable wearing holey and or mud stained clothes?

I don't know about you, but when I pick out the clothes that I am going to be wearing, I want to still be able to look stylish in those clothes five years from now. 

Trends are always changing, but that doesn't mean that your style needs to.

You really need to make a choice as to what type of trends you are going to follow, and what types of clothes you are going to wear because if not, you are going to be wearing whatever is in the store.

3. Leggings/Athletic Clothing

It is also popular right now to wear athletic clothing all day. When you get up in the morning, I would suggest that you leave your leggings where they are because, in reality, they are made for athletic wear and not everyday use.

4. Cheap Sandals

I put cheap sandals, but maybe I just should have put cheap looking clothes in general. :) When picking out your outfit for the day, don't pick out that T-Shirt which you got for free at some marathon you ran years ago or the sandals you got for $1 that are made out of all plastic.

4 Things That Make Your Outfit Look Less Stylish

Think about the brand you are representing and the first impression you want people to have when they meet you.

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Now I want to hear from you! Did I miss anything? Is there anything that you would add to this post?

Have a great week!
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4 Things That Make Your Outfit Look Less Stylish      4 Things That Make Your Outfit Look Less Stylish

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